
罗马·彼得罗夫斯基(Roman Petrowski),传播办公室

麦戈文医学院人文与伦理中心受到欢迎布兰登·哈里斯(Brandon Tho Harris)11月10日,通过思科Webex介绍第二部分艺术与弹性计划。


哈里斯(Harris)分享了他的许多艺术作品,包括他的视频“trầnphan”,“以及如何生活直到哀悼”,“ 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin”,“nước,水,(家庭)土地,” and “Spaces of Home,” in which Harris uses satellite images to explore his mother’s town in Vietnam, while she tells stories of memories of her childhood. Harris used this example to encourage viewers of the Arts & Resilience program to create their own projects.


Harris received his bachelor’s degree in photography and digital media from the University of Houston, and he is currently the manager of engagement and communications at FotoFest, a Houston-based contemporary arts organization which hosts over 450 artists and 150 art and photography festivals in a city-wide, biennial project. His art has been featured at the Blaffer Art Museum (2019), the Houston Center for Photography (2020) and the Asia Society Texas (2021).

艺术与弹性系列功能的下一部分帕特里克·麦格拉斯·穆尼兹(Patrick McGrathMuñiz)是一位来自波多黎各的休斯顿艺术家,主要在画布和Retablos上与油画合作。Muñiz将于1月26日在Cisco Webex举行。要注册活动,请访问McGovern中心的网站