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Campus Carry

Facts About Campus Carry

In June, Gov. Greg Abbott signed Senate Bill 11 (SB11), often referred to as the “Campus Carry” bill. This bill amends current law by authorizing holders of concealed handgun licenses (CHLs) to carry concealed handguns in the buildings of institutions of higher education. The law takes effect Aug. 1, 2016.

Key provisions of the law include the following.

  • 法律允许onlyholders of CHLs licenses to carryconcealedhandguns. Long guns (e.g., rifles and shotguns) are not permitted and it is illegal for anyone to openly carry any type of firearm in university buildings. Holders of CHLs must be at least 21 years old and complete an approved training course.
  • 大学校长可能采用规则的地址the carrying of concealed handguns on their campuses, but the law requires that they consult with students, faculty and staff prior to developing rules.
  • Rules developed by a president may specify certain campus locations as exclusion zones where concealed handguns arenotallowed. However, the law states that exclusion zones may not “generally prohibit or have the effect of generally prohibiting” campus carry by CHL holders.
  • Final rules for implementation must be widely publicized and appropriate signage posted.

The full text of the bill may be found athttp://www.capitol.state.tx.us/tlodocs/84R/billtext/html/SB00011F.htm.
