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The Student Research Group (SRG) promotes, supports, and nurtures the interests of dental student researchers during their time at the school.


  • 生物材料和牙科材料

    Dr. Farach-Carson’s实验室使用三维模型来研究癌细胞和正常细胞的行为。Farach-Carson实验室使用我们对细胞外基质的理解来创建“智能”生物材料,这些生物材料可以模仿天然组织,以提供一个在生理相关条件下研究细胞和组织行为的环境。我们与休斯顿生物材料与仿生材料中心(HCBB)合作,创建和研究这些基于生物学的材料。




    卡斯珀博士research applies fundamentals of engineering, materials science, and the biosciences toward the development and evaluation of biomaterial-based technologies to meet clinical needs. Current research interests include the application of engineered culture conditions for the development of bioactive constructs for craniofacial and orthopedic tissue regeneration. Additional research focuses on applications of 3D printing and digital technologies in dentistry.

    Kiat-Amnuay博士research focuses on the areas of maxillofacial prosthetic and prosthodontics. Her team has investigated color stability and mechanical properties of pigmented maxillofacial prosthetic elastomers subjected to artificial/natural weathering and microwave energy. The goal is to find the best combinations of silicone/pigment/opacifier used to make facial prostheses last longer. Several in vivo studies were also performed on adhesive retention of maxillofacial prostheses. In addition, randomized controlled crossover clinical trials related to maxillofacial prosthetic and implant dentistry were conducted to improve patients’ quality of lives. Her group has also studied cement bond strengths of implant-supported ceramic crowns on custom ceramic abutments.

  • 颅面


    Chiquet博士research focuses on studying the genetics of craniofacial development, with emphasis on cleft lip and palate. He has shown that the CRISPLD2 gene has been shown to be associated with nonsyndromic cleft lip and palate and critical for normal palate and jaw formation in zebrafish. Pathway analysis is underway testing for association with differentially regulated genes in the presence or absence of CRISPLD2 in zebrafish. Additionally, his lab is looking at a known pathway of development, the β-catenin mediated WNT pathway, to determine if these genes are involved in clefting etiology. Other ongoing projects include (1) studying genetic modifiers of cleft lip and palate phenotype, (2) evaluating the microbiome of patients born with cleft lip and palate, (3) analyzing dental materials used in presurgical appliance therapy for children born with cleft lip and palate, and (4) minimizing exposure of general anesthesia for children undergoing dental rehabilitation under general anesthesia.

    Fakhouri博士beplay苹果手机能用吗研究兴趣的重点是识别引起并导致增加颅面疾病风险在内的表观遗传因素和遗传因素,包括唇裂和pa裂,颅骨症和微知。他的实验室使用小鼠模型和器官培养物来描述两个转录因子之间的新遗传相互作用的分子机制,即IRF6和Twist1,在调节口腔,面部和颅骨发育过程中调节上皮 - 间质相互作用方面起着至关重要的作用。使用生化和遗传方法,他的实验室研究了Twist1磷酸化点中的突变如何破坏源自间充质细胞的颅面组织的形成。Fakhouri的实验室还利用了开发计算模型的实验数据和生物信息学的整合来鉴定与癌症疾病有关的病因学非编码DNA变异,包括头颈鳞状癌。他的实验室研究的总体目标是将其基准调查结果转化为诊所,以beplay苹果手机能用吗改善风险评估并为个性化医学铺平道路。

    Hecht博士has two research focuses. Genes contributing to nonsyndromic cleft lip and palate are identified using next generation sequencing in a family-based approach, and then functionally tested in zebrafish. This approach has successfully identified genes that are now being modeled in mice. In our cartilage biology studies, a DOX-inducible mouse (MT-COMP) with the common COMP mutation was used to delineate the chondrocyte-specific mechanisms causing the dwarfing condition, pseudoachondroplasia. We have successfully tested different treatments in the MT-COMP mouse, which partially rescued the short limb phenotype.

    Dr. Iwata’sbeplay苹果手机能用吗研究重点是理解引起颅面先天缺陷和口腔疾病的机制。他的小组试图确定1)胞吐和自噬的作用,2)非编码RNA,3)细胞胆固醇代谢,以及4)Wnt信号传导途径在颅面发育和稳态中。他们已经生成了新的遗传小鼠模型,并一直使用包括遗传学,基因组学,蛋白质组学和生物信息学在内的多学科方法来表征分子机制。他的小组试图确定新的治疗剂和新的诊断工具的新目标,以识别风险人群中的缺陷和疾病。

    卡斯珀博士research applies fundamentals of engineering, materials science, and the biosciences toward the development and evaluation of biomaterial-based technologies to meet clinical needs. Current research interests include the application of engineered culture conditions for the development of bioactive constructs for craniofacial and orthopedic tissue regeneration. Additional research focuses on applications of 3D printing and digital technologies in dentistry.

    Noriaki Ono博士research focuses on the fundamental biology of skeletal stem cells, with a further scope on understanding pathophysiology of dental, craniofacial and skeletal deformities and diseases that affect millions of children and adults.

    Wanida Ono博士research focuses on the fundamental biology of dental development and tooth eruption, with a further scope on understanding signaling pathways and molecular mechanism involving in these processes.


    席尔瓦博士beplay苹果手机能用吗研究重点是描述颅面异常的遗传学和根本疾病遗传易感性的两个不同的项目(一种与颌骨骨质流失有关的慢性炎症过程)。我们正在检验以下假设:癌症和先天性畸形具有共同的病因。该项目的初步数据显示,有几种类型的癌症,尤其是结肠癌,颅面异常的个体/家庭,例如牙齿发育不全,唇lip和paple。Gene Discovery研究表明AXIN2是WNT途径的负调节剂,是非综合性口服裂口的潜在候选基因。

    Dr. Wonghas two major research interests. Within the AFIRM consortium, his project focuses on the management of severe maxillofacial injuries through a series of therapeutic interventions. First, preservation of skeletal space is accomplished with a drug-eluting methylmethacrylate polymer. This is followed by the generation of customized vascularized bone grafts formed in a distant site and subsequently transferred into the traumatic defect. His second research focus involves the characterization of TMJ disease and the regeneration of the disc and condyle using tissue engineering principles.

  • 牙科公共卫生

    阿迪比博士beplay苹果手机能用吗研究包括研究与integra的政策tion of care. Understanding of the oral and systemic disorders including Orofacial Pain condition connections by means of radiographic images, salivary components and the new and innovative technologies in clinical research.


    迈尔斯博士is interested in gathering more scientific data on the consumption of addictive and carcinogenic areca nut preparations (e.g. betel quid, supari, paan, gutka) in the Houston metropolis. Specifically his research employs a mystery shopper study design to better understand the availability, buying experience, package labeling, costs, and marketing information of these oral toxins. Furthermore, Dr. Myers’ research aims to characterize the chemical diversity of these areca nut products.

    Dr. Neumann'sresearch interest is on the improvement of oral health at a population level. She currently serves as Co-Investigator on two funded NIH/NIDCR projects: a) “CATCH Healthy Smiles: Planning and feasibility of an elementary school-based child oral health RCT” in collaboration with the School of Public Health and the CATCH study team (PI: S. Sharma) and b) “Implementing Dental Quality Measures in Practice” (PI: M. Walji). She is also actively involved in the various applications of Caries Management by Risk Assessment (CAMBRA) and interprofessional initiatives.

    Soldatos博士research has a broad scope of interest. His expertise’s include study of correlation of endothelial dysfunction with chronic periodontitis patients, post-operative surgical pain levels after periodontal/implant surgeries, bone temperature changes after implant osteotomy preparations and finally the influence of diabetes mellitus on TiZr implants’ survival. He has received funding for his research projects from the industry.

    Walji博士beplay苹果手机能用吗研究兴趣的重点是使用信息学方法来提高口腔保健的安全性和质量,特别关注电子健康记录。他目前是两项NIH/NIDCR资助研究的首席研究员1)“开发牙科患者安全系统”和2)实践实施牙科质量措施。他还对AHRQ资助的研究也是PI,标题为“牙科诊所不良事件中的差异和差异”。他在开发和维护牙科诊断系统(DDS)方面提供了信息学专业知识,该系统是为牙科诊断文档而设计的特定牙科术语的集合。他还领导了一个多机构的团队,该团队开发了Bigmouth Dental数据存储库,该库目前包含有关来自6个牙科机构EHR的200万名患者的数据。

  • 免疫学

    Chun-Teh Lee博士beplay苹果手机能用吗研究兴趣集中在理解牙周炎中的炎症分辨率和宿主微生物组相互作用。专门的促分解脂质介质(SPM),包括脂毒素,溶质蛋白,保护素和母​​马,诱导炎症性疾病中的炎症解决。用SPMS治疗实验性牙周炎会导致疾病逆转和牙周再生。目前,他的研究项目旨在确定牙周beplay苹果手机能用吗炎中的临床SPM概况和相关的菌群。

    克莱因博士has two primary areas of research. The first is aimed at understanding the involvement of a novel immune system derived splice variant of thyroid stimulating hormone in the development and/or perpetuation of autoimmune thyroiditis, and as a regulator of host metabolic activity. Various targeted knockdown systems are being applied in these studies. In a second area of research, Dr. Klein is exploring factors that regulate the adaptive and innate immune responses in mucosal sites, particularly in the intestine and the oral cavity.


    Dr. Ransome van der Hoeven’sbeplay苹果手机能用吗研究重点是理解宿主 - 病原体相互作用的机制。我们目前研究的主要领域是:1)使用简单的无脊椎动物模型Caenbeplay苹果手机能用吗orhabditis elegans阐明先天免疫防御机制,以应对口腔和全身病原体,以及2)确定粪肠球菌如何能够持续并导致二级病原体牙髓感染。

  • Oral Cancers & Cancer Therapy

    Dr. Farach-Carson’sbeplay苹果手机能用吗研究涉及细胞外基质在从前列腺或口腔等主要部位转移到骨骼的转移后癌症进展中的作用。原发性肿瘤的生长缓慢,直到骨骼中肿瘤形成肿瘤之前,它们不会威胁生命。在骨基质中隔离的因素为促进入侵癌细胞的生长提供了丰富的环境。许多因素与蛋白聚糖(包括perlecan/hspg2)结合,其中包含调节其生物活性的乙酰肝素。我们试图确定负责癌症生长和进展的因素,其长期目的是开发“分子药物”以对抗癌症转移。


    迈耶斯博士pharmacological-based research focuses on acquiring greater insight towards the biodisposition of chemical compounds (e.g. drugs, drug metabolites, natural products) in the human body. His major areas of current research are: (1) Clarifying the enzyme-mediated mechanisms of activation and detoxification of arecoline, an oral toxicant contained in the areca (betel) nut, in human liver; (2) Elucidating the untoward effects of EdAG and several natural compounds on the glutathione, specifically the thioredoxin enzyme system which is a promising druggable target for oral malignancies; (3) Defining the pre-clinical and clinical pharmacokinetics of novel anti-cancer medications.

    Ogbureke博士beplay苹果手机能用吗研究涉及研究包含骨桥蛋白(OPN)的糖磷蛋白家族,骨唾液蛋白(BSP),牙本质基质蛋白1(DMP1),牙本质唾液磷酸蛋白(DSPP)和基质外磷脂外磷脂(Mepein) - 小体系 - 含量 -连接的糖蛋白(兄弟姐妹) - 口腔癌和其他头颈癌的生物学。这些蛋白质在恶性转化,侵袭和转移过程中具有关键的功能作用,并且可能被用作诊断和预后工具,以及治疗干预的靶标。因此,一些蛋白质家族可能会鉴定出可以从更广泛的手术切除中受益的患者,或者通过辅助治疗(例如原发性OSCC的放疗)。在HPV相关的口服癌症的生物学中,解剖口腔癌中同胞活性的功能和机械途径以及研究BSP和DSPP与HPV16癌蛋白(E6/E7)的相互作用是持续的项目。


    Dharini van der Hoeven博士beplay苹果手机能用吗研究重点是鉴定新型抗癌治疗剂,用于治疗口服鳞状细胞癌。我们的研究针对EGFR-RAS信号通路,该途径在大多数口服鳞状细胞癌中过度活跃。当前的研究兴趣包beplay苹果手机能用吗括鉴定EGFR和RAS的新型间接抑制剂,这些抑制剂通过改变质膜拓扑来扰动其功能,在细胞信号传导和功能研究中对此类化合物的广泛表征,临床前开发以及化合物的化学优化,并具有整体的化合物。识别先进的候选药物。


    杨博士beplay苹果手机能用吗研究涉及基于生物材料的平台技术的发展和表征,这些平台技术集中在两个领域:免疫疗法和颅面组织再生。关于口腔癌的治疗,我们的实验室一直在研究可注射的癌症疫苗系统,这些系统充当了in situ树突状细胞编程。通过利用我们对生物工程技术的知识进行细胞募集和分化,我们能够将这些基本策略转化为癌症免疫疗法的环境。我们的目标是检查这些疫苗系统在口服鳞状细胞癌的疗效,并探索癌症疫苗和其他形式的免疫疗法可能引起的任何协同作用。概念in situ细胞编程还用于我们的组织再生项目中,我们正在探索各种水凝胶和逐层聚合物涂料技术的使用,以在几种具有挑战性的临床前模型中促进神经和骨再生。

  • 口服微生物组

    Dr. Angelov’sbeplay苹果手机能用吗研究重点包括基本,临床和转化研究,主要是在口腔粘膜伤口愈合,牙周微生物学和牙科植入物领域。最近,我们系和贝勒医学院的合作研究工作的重点一直是口服细菌在血压调节中通过硝酸盐硝酸盐氧beplay苹果手机能用吗化物途径的作用。目的是了解人类微生物群落在宿主的无体现中的作用,以允许开发新的诊断和其他方法来操纵这些微生物群落以促进人类健康和预防疾病。


    Dr. Tribble’sresearch focuses on two groups of anaerobic bacteria associated with periodontitis, Porphyromonas gingivalis and Prevotella spp. In particular, she investigates the molecular mechanisms of horizontal DNA transfer in oral microbial communities, and the biological consequences of gene exchange. Her research objectives are to improve our understanding of the role of DNA exchange as it contributes to bacterial survival and persistence in the host, and adaptive evolution transitioning microbiome- host interactions from commensal to pathogenic.

    王博士她的研究重点放在口腔传染病上,例beplay苹果手机能用吗如牙周疾病和龋齿。使用分子遗传学方法,我们正在解释其他口腔细菌的链球菌群体群体传感的干扰机制。我们还正在研究细菌间隔相互作用在牙周炎中种族差异中的作用。我们与Hua Xie博士的合作证明,Cristatus(口服共生)抑制了牙龈卟啉单胞菌(一种牙周病原体)体外和体内的定植。我们研究的长期目标是针对某些病原体,专门用于预防常见beplay苹果手机能用吗的口腔传染病。

  • 组织再生


    Dr. Farach-Carson’slaboratory uses proteoglycans, particularly those bearing heparan sulfate chains such as perlecan, in engineering of complex tissues such as bone, cartilage or salivary gland. Cell and molecular engineering strategies are being developed that facilitate controlled tissue growth and differentiation. Growth factor binding and delivery by engineered proteoglycans are used in oral surgery and orthopaedic applications. Engineering partnerships support these studies. We use a variety of techniques including 3D hydrogel cell culture, recombinant and natural protein purification and analysis, cloning and molecular biology, immunodetection, 3D printing, confocal imaging and pre-clinical models.


    卡斯珀博士research applies fundamentals of engineering, materials science, and the biosciences toward the development and evaluation of biomaterial-based technologies to meet clinical needs. Current research interests include the application of engineered culture conditions for the development of bioactive constructs for craniofacial and orthopedic tissue regeneration. Additional research focuses on applications of 3D printing and digital technologies in dentistry.

    威尔特曼博士beplay苹果手机能用吗我的研究主要集中在范围广泛的学科ncluding laser dentistry, re-generation, microbiology, implant dentistry, cone beam computed tomography, microscopy, periodontal-systemic disease correlations, and dental education. Her expertise is in conducting clinical trials, but has enjoyed working with basic science colleagues to trans-late basic science outcomes into clinical applications. She has received funding for the research projects through industry and research scholarships.

    Dr. Wonghas two major research interests. Within the AFIRM consortium, his project focuses on the management of severe maxillofacial injuries through a series of therapeutic interventions. First, preservation of skeletal space is accomplished with a drug-eluting methylmethacrylate polymer. This is followed by the generation of customized vascularized bone grafts formed in a distant site and subsequently transferred into the traumatic defect. His second research focus involves the characterization of TMJ disease and the regeneration of the disc and condyle using tissue engineering principles.


CCR的使命是领导尖端研究,以识别,理解,预防和治疗颅面疾病。beplay苹果手机能用吗CCR在全国认可的遗传学家Jacqueline T. Hecht博士的指导下,MS,Uthealth Dentistry教授,Uthealth McGovern医学院的儿科研究中心主任。beplay苹果手机能用吗


Jacqueline T. Hecht,PhD,MS


休斯顿生物材料与仿生材料中心John M. Powers博士


Uthealth牙科学院是休斯顿生物材料与仿生材料中心约翰·M·鲍尔斯(John M. Powers)博士的所在地。HCBB试图成为生物材料和仿生学卓越卓越的全球,世界一流的研究和发展中心,以及提高发现学术奖学金,在学科,教beplay苹果手机能用吗学和应用之间的知识融合方面的协同力量。




休斯顿部分的建立是为了促进美国牙科,口腔和颅面研究协会(Aadocr)beplay苹果手机能用吗on a local level, in abidance with the rules and regulations of that organization. The foremost purpose of this Section is to encourage research collaboration, support, and represent the oral health research community of Houston with the goal of contributing to the advancement of oral health worldwide.


Student Research

Uthealth牙科学院beplay苹果手机能用吗的学生研究小组(SRG)由对科学调查感兴趣的牙科学生组成。这是本地章节美国牙科研究协会的国家学生研究小组beplay苹果手机能用吗并且是一个由教师顾问(学生研究协调员Dharini van der Hoeven博士的意见)指导的学生组织。beplay苹果手机能用吗SRG在学校期间促进,支持和培养牙科学生研究人员的利益。beplay苹果手机能用吗它提供了牙科专业中各种研究类型的研究,并通过使学生意识到研究机会(例如夏季研究计划和研究选beplay苹果手机能用吗修课)来鼓励牙科学院的研究活动。该小组的目标部分是通过举办每月会议来实现的,牙科教授和学生介绍他们的研究。beplay苹果手机能用吗





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