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Tutorial rotations have two main purposes:

  • 向学生介绍各种research environments
  • To provide students the ability to make an informed choice of the laboratory where they will do their dissertation research

Having so many GSBS Faculty to choose from can be overwhelming, so here are concrete steps you can take to help you identify tutorial instructors:

  1. 定义您的研究兴趣,并搜索beplay苹果手机能用吗GSBS Faculty Directoryusing your interests as keywords.

  2. Check out the寻求博士生的教师列表。

  3. Schedule an advising appointment withDr. William MattoxorNatalie Sirisaengtaksin博士谈论您喜欢的教师。他们可以为当前受训者提供有关其培训历史记录和联系信息的信息。

  4. Contact the lab's trainees to talk about their mentor and their work.

  5. 与其他学生讨论他们的教程经验,顾问和计划。

  6. 和...说话Program Directorsfor advice on faculty that are affiliated with their Program.

  7. Set up a meeting with the potential tutorial instructor to discuss timing and details of your proposed rotation.

  8. Prepare for the meeting!

      • 阅读实验室的最新出版物。

      • 会议前要求进一步的参考或阅读材料。

      • Think of questions to ask about the science.

  9. Use these questions to drive the discussion:

      • The major focus must be research interests - do you share them?

      • What are the major projects in the lab?

      • Ask to see the lab facilities

      • 现在有多少个实验室人员?哪些受训者,博士后,技术等?

      • Who would you work with during the tutorial?

      • 您的项目将是什么?

      • 教师的计划隶属关系是什么?

      • How does the faculty member feel about students attending scientific meetings?

      • How many previous students has the faculty mentored?

      • 以前的学生现在在做什么?

  10. Confirm that the faculty member is willing and financially capable to take on a new student.

  11. 不要害怕询问教职员工的资金 - 这非常重要!

  12. 会议结束后,重新评估您的优先事项 - 这是最适合我的吗?

      • 您对这项研究感到兴奋吗?beplay苹果手机能用吗

      • Do you like a small lab or a large lab?

      • Do you prefer labs with extensive collaborations or one that is more highly focused?

      • Are the lab personnel friendly and willing to communicate?

      • Are you comfortable talking with the faculty member?

      • Is the lab environment suited to your lifestyle?

  • Guide to Choosing a Tutorial Instructor

    Having so many GSBS Faculty to choose from can be overwhelming, so here are concrete steps you can take to help you identify tutorial instructors:

    1. 定义您的研究兴趣,并搜索beplay苹果手机能用吗GSBS Faculty Directoryusing your interests as keywords.

    2. Check out the寻求博士生的教师列表。

    3. Schedule an advising appointment withDr. William MattoxorNatalie Sirisaengtaksin博士谈论您喜欢的教师。他们可以为当前受训者提供有关其培训历史记录和联系信息的信息。

    4. Contact the lab's trainees to talk about their mentor and their work.

    5. 与其他学生讨论他们的教程经验,顾问和计划。

    6. 和...说话Program Directorsfor advice on faculty that are affiliated with their Program.

    7. Set up a meeting with the potential tutorial instructor to discuss timing and details of your proposed rotation.

    8. Prepare for the meeting!

        • 阅读实验室的最新出版物。

        • 会议前要求进一步的参考或阅读材料。

        • Think of questions to ask about the science.

    9. Use these questions to drive the discussion:

        • The major focus must be research interests - do you share them?

        • What are the major projects in the lab?

        • Ask to see the lab facilities

        • 现在有多少个实验室人员?哪些受训者,博士后,技术等?

        • Who would you work with during the tutorial?

        • 您的项目将是什么?

        • 教师的计划隶属关系是什么?

        • How does the faculty member feel about students attending scientific meetings?

        • How many previous students has the faculty mentored?

        • 以前的学生现在在做什么?

    10. Confirm that the faculty member is willing and financially capable to take on a new student.

    11. 不要害怕询问教职员工的资金 - 这非常重要!

    12. 会议结束后,重新评估您的优先事项 - 这是最适合我的吗?

        • 您对这项研究感到兴奋吗?beplay苹果手机能用吗

        • Do you like a small lab or a large lab?

        • Do you prefer labs with extensive collaborations or one that is more highly focused?

        • Are the lab personnel friendly and willing to communicate?

        • Are you comfortable talking with the faculty member?

        • Is the lab environment suited to your lifestyle?

  • Registering for Tutorials


    教程研究经验beplay苹果手机能用吗是一个值得两个学期学分的GSB课程。要在MyUTH中注册,请使用分配给教程讲师的课程编号(GS00 1514)和已分配给教程的唯一部分编号。

    只有在寻求博士生的教师list are offered as possible tutorial instructors in myUTH. Students who wish to do a tutorial with a GSBS faculty member who isn't on the Seeking List may contactNatalie Sirisaengtaksin博士, who will contact the faculty member to confirm that the individual is indeed accepting students. Once confirmed, the faculty will be added to myUTH as a tutorial instructor so that the student can register.

    尚未选择轮换导师的学生可以暂时向高级副院长威廉·马托克斯(Dean William Mattox)作为教程教练,直到他们决定与谁一起工作。


    • notify Dr. Sirisaengtaksin, so that the rotation is recorded at GSBS and access to institutional resources and buildings are granted, if needed.
    • 如果他们在Myuth中更新他们的注册,如果他们与Mattox博士作为教练注册了课程。请将课程教练从Mattox博士切换为真正的教程讲师。如果注册期已经过去, and the course can no longer be updated, please let Dr. Sirisaengtaksin know.
  • 教程评估

    Tutorials are graded Pass/Fail and the instructor provides a written evaluation of the student's performance.The evaluation is sent to the Deans' Office -- it becomes a part of the student's record and is shared with the student.

    In general, faculty will assess students based on the criteria below. However, individual faculty vary so it is important to ask about the tutorial instructor's specific expectations before committing to work in the lab.

    The faculty member evaluates the student's suitability as a member of their research group. This involves many factors, including:

    • beplay苹果手机能用吗研究能力:情报,手动敏捷,科学直觉,独创性,独立性

    • Reliability of the Student: Intellectual and personal integrity, conscientiousness

    • 动机:学生在学术和研究追求方面的动机beplay苹果手机能用吗

    • Industry:驱动器,主动性,工作习惯,生产力

    • Communication Skills:能够科学写作并提供有效的口头演示

    • Personal Interaction Skills:能够与其他研究人员相处并参加团队努力beplay苹果手机能用吗

  • Tutorial Waivers

    Students may petition to waive their third tutorial if they meet certain conditions.


    • Has chosen an advisor with sufficient funding to support the student when GSBS funding ends, and
    • Has extensive previous research experience, a thesis-based MS degree and/or publications in the biomedical sciences

    学生满足这些标准和希望waive their third tutorial should apply for an exception by completingthis form。填写的表格应发送到Natalie Sirisaengtaksinwith their new advisor copied on the email. If the GSBS determines that the student qualifies for this exception, an Accountable Mentorship Agreement will be sent to both the student and their new advisor to formalize the lab affiliation.

    Please note that the waiver of more than one tutorial is very unusual and would require additional justification.


    • Exposure to a new research area of science.
    • 学习新方法和方法论的机会
    • Development of relationships with other researchers who may offer opportunities for future networking, become members of the student's Advisory Committee, and/or authors of future recommendation letters.
  • Fourth Tutorials




    考虑第四个教程的学生应与博士会面。Bill Mattox或Natalie Sirisaengtaksin指导。
