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Shreya Kanodia博士于3月8日加入该机构,担任计划,计划和基础设施副总裁,并将担任我们癌症中心支持拨款的管理员。

A graduate of our MD Anderson UT Health Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Kanodia has years of experience in research administration and in-depth knowledge of working with NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Centers.

Comprehensive experience

Kanodia comes to MD Anderson from the Moores Cancer Center at the University of California, San Diego, where she served as the Deputy Director of Administration at the cancer center and the Executive Director for Cancer Research. She oversaw the administration and operations for research and academics and led the cancer center’s NCI-designation’s renewal.

在加州大学教育委员会之前,她曾在洛杉矶的Cedars-Sinai医疗中心担任beplay苹果手机能用吗众多研究和行政职务,在那里她担任肿瘤学执行董事和塞缪尔·奥斯钦(Samuel Oschin)综合癌症研究所的行政副主任。她还担任CSMC生物医学科学系助理教授的学术任命,在那里她还担任助学金管理主任。



在担任研究管理角色之前,Kanobeplay苹果手机能用吗dia在我们的研究生院接受了肿瘤免疫学家的培训,获得了博士学位。通过我们的免疫学/癌症生物学计划。她的研究beplay苹果手机能用吗集中在自我抗原的T细胞亲和力上,以了解疫苗剂量如何影响T细胞库,并阐明肿瘤疫苗功效有限的原因。她还与生物技术公司合作,建立了美国高级Microdevices Pvt的运营。Ltd.和共同创建的高级生物科学技术。


研究生院名2021 Kopchick研究员



2021 John J. Kopchick博士

Brian Anderson
顾问:Kristy K. Brock,博士

Yasaman Barekatain
Advisor: Raghu Kalluri, MD, PhD

Nathaniel Berg
顾问:Holger K. Eltzschig,医学博士,博士

Medina Colic
顾问:Traver Hart,博士

Advisor: Cullen M. Taniguchi, MD, PhD

Jovanka Gencel-Augusto
顾问:Guillermina Lozano,博士

Archit Ghosh
顾问:Kunal Rai,博士

珍妮弗·赫蒂格(Jennifer Hurtig)
顾问:Ambro Van Hoof,博士

Walaa Kattan
Advisor: John Hancock, BChir, PhD, ScD

Yiyun Lin
顾问:Nicholas E. Navin,博士

Elia Lopez
顾问:Edgar T. Walters,博士

Brigid McDonald
顾问:Clifton D. Fuller,医学博士,博士

Nabina Paudyal
Advisor: Vasanthi Jayaraman, PhD

Deborah Silverman
Advisors: Patrick Hwu, MD, and Moran Amit, PhD

2021 Charlene Kopchick Fellow

Soleil Hernandez
顾问:Laurence E. Court,博士

这些奖学金是通过校友约翰·J·科普奇克(John J.

约翰·J·科普奇克(John J. Kopchick)博士奖学金授予表现出卓越性格,课外领导,研究卓越和学术优点的学生。beplay苹果手机能用吗每项奖学金直接向学生提供7,500美元,并额外支付7,500美元来支持他们的研究和培训。beplay苹果手机能用吗这些奖学金可能会续签长达两年的总奖励期。

The Charlene Kopchick Fellowship is awarded to a GSBS student who demonstrates unique characteristics beyond merit and financial need. Such characteristics may include but are not be limited to first-generation college graduates entering graduate research; students who exhibit exemplary personal character; uniqueness of background and culture; strong work ethic; perceived leadership qualities and an enthusiastic scientific curiosity. These fellowships provide $8,250 of direct aid to the student and an additional $8,250 to support the student’s research and training. This is a one-time award to the student and is not renewable.


来帮助这些有才华的科学家,institutions collaborated with one another and the UT System Office of Talent and Innovation to create the UT System Career Exploration Network (CEN), a multi-week virtual program that pairs students and postdocs seeking career guidance with experienced professionals willing to share their knowledge about various employment options.

“Given the pandemic and the economic downturn, today’s graduates are facing a more difficult job market, yet their skills are needed now more than ever,” said UT System Chancellor James B. Milliken. “The UT System can leverage its size and reach to bring together multiple institutions to create opportunities that support UT graduates and the evolving workplace.”


UT MD Anderson Cancer Center Uthealth Biomedical Sciences研究生院的职业发展助理主任Raquel Ybanez Salinas博士指出,学习如何几乎是该计划的重要好处。

“We hope this experience not only helps Seekers learn about their career options, but also empowers them to continue building their personal professional network,” she said.

Using virtual meeting technology, CEN facilitated 365 one-on-one introductory meetings between Seekers and Guides from across multiple UT institutions. The majority – 80% – involved Seekers and Guides from different UT institutions.

“这是来自不同机构的学生和校友互相见面,分享经验和知识的独特机会,并为我们的生物医学毕业生的未来职业成功做出了贡献,” UT Medical Branch招募助理Dean Dan Jupiter说。

“与来自不同机构毕业的专业人员会面,这是非常有帮助的,因为它为我们提供了来自不同背景和不同职业道路的多样化指南,”圣安东尼奥市UT Health Santonio的神经科学博士候选人Melodi Bowman表示。“没有这个,我们可能不会接触到不同职业的人。”


“Candid chats with Guides in a wide variety of careers gave me a better understanding of which careers are not for me, while opening my eyes to other areas that I knew little of before,” said Amrita Gokhale, a cell and molecular biology PhD candidate at UT Southwestern Medical Center.

尼尔萨·里维拉·德尔·瓦莱(Nilsa Rivera del Valle)是宝洁和赌博的毒理学家,也是UT MD Anderson癌症中心Uthealth Biomedical Sciences研究生院的校友,发现了作为指南的专业利益。她说:“参加UT系统职业勘探网络使我能够确定我公司的潜在候选人。”“与新的博士生和博士后互动,可以帮助我们传达公司的价值观,我们的工作以及我们在不同科学领域中拥有的机会。”

“I would absolutely recommend the program to other professionals,” said Lauren Tyra, an investment analyst at Dallas-based venture capital firm GP&G Ventures and UT Southwestern Medical Center alum who also served as a Guide. “It is a good way to meet people and keep your networking skills sharp, but it is also an excellent way to give back to your graduate institution in a way that really matters to trainees.”


For more information, please contact the UT System人才和创新办公室
