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GS21 1613 Translational Cancer Research

  • Credit Hours:3
  • 评分系统:Letter Grade
  • Prerequisites:Cancer Biology (GS04 1063) preferred


Bast, Robert. Three semester hours. Spring, annually. Grading System: Letter Grade. Prerequisite:Cancer Biology(GS041063) preferred

本课程将提供一个为translationa底漆l cancer research and will review concisely the current understanding of human cancer biology that is driving interest in targeted therapy and personalized management for prevention, detection and treatment of cancer. Techniques used to characterize human cancers at a cellular and molecular level will be described. Concepts, examples and alternative strategies to achieve individualized targeted therapy will be presented. Processes for developing drugs and biomarkers will be reviewed. Translation from bench to bedside and back will be outlined for surgical oncology, radiation oncology, medical oncology and cancer imaging. Challenges for translation in cancer prevention will be considered. Infrastructure required for translational research will be reviewed, including tissue banks, biopsies, interventional radiology, molecular pathology, molecular imaging, bioinformatics, biostatistics, novel trial design and interactive databases. Objectives and paths for training and career development will be outlined as well as the sociology of team science. Interactions between Academe, Pharma, the NCI, FDA and Foundations will be explored. Finally, the course will analyze barriers to more rapid translation of cancer research to the clinic and community. This course consists of a two hour lecture and one hour seminar, weekly.

Course Outline Translational Cancer Research
