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Kent Gifford

Kent Gifford

Regular Member

Associate Professor

713.563.2596 713.563.2596
MDA FCT8.5076 (Unit 1420)

The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Department of Radiation Physics

My research focuses on the application of radiation transport methods to radiotherapy calculations. Additionally, I have researched quality assurance aspects of treatment planning and radiation dosimetry. I have applied the Monte Carlo method to ascertain the effect of gynecological applicator shielding on dose to the bladder and rectum. Currently, I am investigating a novel deterministic technique to transport radiation that could prove to be more efficient than Monte Carlo while exhibiting the same level of accuracy. This would provide a significant benefit for treatment planning as well as optimization of radiation dose distributions.

Depending on the student’s interests, a tutorial in my laboratory would provide experience with Monte Carlo modeling and dose calculation, deterministic radiation transport, radiation dosimetry techniques, and/or radiotherapy quality assurance.


MDACC Faculty


Ph.D. -MD Anderson UTHealth Graduate School- 2004

