
nav =Genetic Counseling


Founded in 1989, The University of Texas Genetic Counseling Program (UTGCP) offers a challenging and unique program in genetic counseling administered through the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center UTHealth Houston Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences in association with the Division of Medical Genetics in the Department of Pediatrics at the McGovern Medical School.


Genetic Counseling Thesis Shelf in GSBS Library

“该计划的质量和成本对我来说是一个巨大的决策因素!我知道我正在接受出色的教育,而较低的价格意味着我可以更多地专注于我的教育。”-Alexa Bream,MS,CGC,UTGCP 2019年

“我将再次参加UTGCP,因为该计划为我提供了成为主张患者的遗传顾问的技能。同样重要的是,该计划为我提供了成为专业人士在工作场所中提倡自己的技能。我对UTGCP最喜欢的是它使我与我的同学,计划中的导师和计划领导力的联系感。尽管我现在正在中西部练习,但我知道我将永远与UTGCP一起住。”-Jessica O’Shea, MS, CGC, UTGCP Class of 2018

“我最喜欢临床UTGCP旋转, because I learn best by being coached. The quantity of clinical rotations offered through this program allow for countless opportunities of 1-on-1 coaching from supervisors with each session. Training becomes personalized and nuanced in this way - and helped me implement head-knowledge in real-time patient care. I would recommend the program to others because of the depth and breadth of relational support. The UTGCP family extends beyond fellow classmates, and includes faculty, physicians, supervisors, mentors, and alumni who willingly and graciously offer support to students in the ways their roles allow. In moments of need, I was overwhelmed by unexpected kindness and care from the UTGCP family.” -Kaitlyn Amos, MS, CGC, UTGCP Class of 2020


  • 遗传咨询和UTGCP的历史

    The field of genetic counseling has a rich, although young, history. Sarah Lawrence College began the first professional Master’s Degree genetic counseling training program in 1969. Programs were initially accredited by the American Board of Medical Genetics, and later were accredited by the American Board of Genetic Counseling (ABGC). In 2013, the ABGC split into two groups, with ABGC retaining the board certification exam for genetic counselors and the Accreditation Council for Genetic Counseling (ACGC) acquiring the accreditation of genetic counseling programs. The ACGC is located at 7918 Jones Branch Drive, Suite 300, Mcean, VA 22102 and can be reached by phone at 703-506-7667.

    The UTGCP was founded by Jacqueline Hecht, MS, PhD and admitted its first class, that consisted of one student, in 1989. Since that time the Program has grown to a class size of 10 students per year under the direction of Program Director Claire N. Singletary MS, CGC and Associate Program Director Jennifer Czerwinski, MS, CGC. The UTGCP was accredited by ABGC in 2000, 2006, and again in 2014 at which time we were granted the longest accreditation period allowed of 8 years. The UTGCP will undergo reaccreditation in 2022.

    The many roles of genetic counselors have grown since the founding of the field to meet the needs of the ever-changing medical community. While prenatal, cancer, and medical genetics remain common areas of focus for genetic counselors, the opportunities outside of these realms continue to expand. Many genetic counselors now work in diagnostic laboratories, industry, private practice, and other specialty areas such as cardiovascular and neurogenetics. The UTGCP utilizes the many resources of the Texas Medical Center to make its students well-rounded genetic counselors, ready to take whatever career path lies ahead of them.

  • Governance

    1. UTGCP领导团队

    The UTGCP leadership team is dedicated to overseeing the Program with its mission, vision, and strategic plan as guiding principles.

    • 计划总监-Claire Singletary
    • 副计划主任-Jennifer Czerwinski
    • 医疗总监-Laura Farach
    • Assistant Director of External Rotations - Malorie Jones
    • Assistant Director of Research; Coordinator of Recruitmentand Outreach - Meagan Choates

    The UTGCP is the leader in the education of genetic counseling students who support and advance genetics in healthcare. Our mission is to excel in the training of versatile genetic counselors by facilitating competency-based learning, supporting personalized growth, and immersing students in the depth and breadth of genetic counseling practice. Our 2021-2026 Strategic Plan entails three goals: 1) Ensure graduates are prepared for the multitude of roles int he constantly evolving genetic counseling field by developing a framework for teaching counselor adaptability that incorporates emerging trends and allows for flexibility beyond the practice-based competencies; 2) Graduate a student body that consistently includes underrepresented minorities specific to the genetic counseling field by increasing the diversity of the qualified applicant pool, minimizing admission bias, and expanding the community participating in the education of our students; and 3) Evaluate opportunities for acquiring new sources of revenue to support faculty and students, and develop a plan for pursuing selected funding sources.

    2. UTGCP咨询委员会

    Mission: To ensure the relevance of the UTGCP by proposing changes to meet the evolving needs of the genetic counseling profession; by promoting the UTGCP in the greater community and by providing a forum for discussion of UTGCP Faculty concerns.


    • Program Directors - Claire Singletary, Jennifer Czerwinski
    • 医疗总监-Laura Farach
    • 创始董事-Jacqueline Hecht
    • Administration – William Mattox
    • 产前-Aarti Ramdaney
    • Medical Genetics - Leslie Dunnington
    • 癌症 - 莫琳·莫克(Maureen Mork)
    • 行业/管理-Kaylene准备就绪
    • 行业/实验室 - 米歇尔·杰克逊(Michelle Jackson)
    • 最近的校友 - Ellie Gould
    • Industry/Alternative Service Delivery – Sarah Bannon
    • Non-Fieldwork Member – Jennifer Hoskovec
    • JEDI Committee Chair – Aranza Gonzalez Cendejas

    3. UTGCP JEDI (Justice Equity Diversity Inclusion) Committee

    Mission: UTGCP’s JEDI mission is to graduate a student body that consistently includes underrepresented groups, to nurture and grow an inclusive environment for underrepresented genetic counselors, to actively make the profession of genetic counseling accessible and equitable to all interested students, and to continue learning from our mistakes to ensure this commitment.

    Members: UTGCP Faculty, fieldwork supervisors, and alumni who are passionate about JEDI in GC: Aranza Gonzalez Cendejas (Chair), Myla Asfaq, Rebecca Carter, Carla McGruder, Brittanie Morris, Aarti Ramdaney, Grace Tran, Sarah Khan, Sara Wofford, Dr. Cherilynn Shadding (ad hoc, Dean’s office)

    4. Core Genetic Counselor Group


    Members:计划主管和至少一个专业领域的成员;Claire Singletary,Jennifer Czerwinski,Myla Ashfaq,Molly Daniels,Blair Stevens

    5. UTGCP教师会议



  • 认证和董事会认证


    UT遗传咨询计划已获得遗传咨询认证委员会的认可,most recently in 2022 for the maximum period of 8 years.Upon completion of the program, graduates are expected to be proficient in the Practice Based Competencies set forth by the ACGC. By graduating from an accredited genetic counseling program, alumni are eligible to sit for the board certification examination from the American Board of Genetic Counseling.

    Graduates of theUTGCPpass the board exam on the first sitting over95时间的百分比远高于全国平均水平。在前3年中,累积董事会通过率为90%。

    American Board of Genetic Counseling


  • Attrition and Job Placement


  • 学生门户网站 - 学术事务和学生成功办公室

    This page will serve as a guide to help connect you with the most sought after resources on campus.


  • Policies and Procedures

Student Support

指导计划:The mentoring program provides a support network for the first year genetic counseling students. Each first year student is paired with a second year student, and they are encouraged to meet regularly throughout the first semester and to continue the relationship throughout the year. The second year students provide peer insights into how to successfully traverse the challenges that new graduate students. Their unique first-hand experiences are invaluable to the first year students.

Academic Advisor Program:为了优化之间的通信duate students and faculty, students in the UTGCP are matched with an academic advisor who will aid them throughout their time in the program. The academic advisors are members of the genetic counseling program faculty. The objectives of this program are to open lines of communication between students and supervisors, provide the student with a person with whom they can discuss problems, supervisory concerns, academic questions etc., aid in professional development, guide students with decision making. While the Program Directors have an open door policy and regularly meet with students, the Academic Advisor provides another faculty touch point for students.

Support for Underrepresented Minority Students:在承认学生的独特需求identify with an underrepresented group in genetic counseling, the UTGCP piloted a program in 2020 to match URM students with an additional faculty mentor who identifies as being from a similar underrepresented background. The UTGCP plans to expand and enhance this program moving forward.

Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

UTGCP’s JEDI mission is to graduate a student body that consistently includes underrepresented groups in genetic counseling, to nurture and grow an inclusive environment for all genetic counselors, to actively make the profession of genetic counseling accessible and equitable to all interested students and to continue learning from our mistakes to ensure this commitment.

Below are sites to learn more about JEDI at our school and in the field of genetic counseling: