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Program Course Requirements

  • GS00 1514Tutorial Research Experience (3 rotations are required)
  • GS14 1214分子和细胞神经科学(Fall) Minimum passing grade:B
  • GS21 1051The Ethical Dimensions of the Biomedical Sciences (Fall)
  • GS14 1024Systems Neuroscience (Spring) Minimum passing grade:B
  • GS21 1152Scientific Writing (Spring)
  • GS14 1612生物统计学for the Life Sciences (Spring)
  • GS14 1181Graduate Neuroanatomy (Fall)

    Two advanced course electives (taken in years 2 and 3) at least one of which should be within Neuroscience. Current Neuroscience electives are:

    GS14 1173认知神经科学(春季 - 奇数)
    GS14 1223Neurocircuits and Behavior(Spring - even years)
    GS14 1213视觉神经科学(秋季)


NEUR 415/615 Theoretical Neuroscience: From Cells to Learning Systems

传入的t确定他们想要的学生o affiliate with the Neuroscience Program (“Fast track”) begin taking Neuroscience classes in the fall semester. Students who are interested in Neuroscience but want to keep their options open (“Traditional track”) take the GSBS core course,GS21 1017Foundations of Biomedical Research in the fall semester, before starting to take classes of the Neuroscience curriculum in the spring semester.

Course requirements for students who declare a Secondary Area of Concentration in Neuroscience

  • One of eitherGS14 1214(Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience) orGS14 1024(Systems Neuroscience)
  • 神经科学中的一个高级课程选修课(请参见上文列表)

Course requirements for MD/PhD students

MD/PhD students that join the Neuroscience Program will be required to take one of the two Neuroscience Program core courses (GS14 1214分子和细胞神经科学或GS14 1024系统神经科学)和两个先进的选修课,at least one of which should be within Neuroscience (see list above).

Course requirements for MS students

GSBS Neuroscience Graduate Program Academic Requirements


  • 生命科学家的生物统计学

    GS14 1612(2个学分)

    Liu, Yin. Two semester hours. Spring, annually. Grading System: Letter Grade. Prerequisite: None.

    This is an entry-to-intermediate level course of biostatistics aimed at scientists in the life sciences. During the first half of the semester, the course will introduce students to the basic concepts and statistical tests that are routinely encountered in analyzing scientific data in designed experiments, as opposed to the analysis of clinical or epidemiological type data. Following an introduction to probability, students will learn what statistical tests are appropriate and how to run them. Emphasis is on intelligent usage rather than mathematical formality. Standard tests such as t, z, chi squared, ANOVA and regression analyses will be learned, as well as how power analyses and calculating sample size is performed. During the second half of the semester, advanced topics in life sciences, including Poisson distributions, clustering methods and multidimensional analyses will be covered. Another goal of this course will be to build familiarity with the basic R toolkit for statistical analysis and graphics.

  • 认知神经科学

    GS14 1173 (3 credits)


    This course is an introductory graduate level overview of cognitive neuroscience. The course will cover basics in history, neuroanatomy, methods of cognitive neuroscience, sensation and perception, control of action, learning and memory, emotion, language, attention, drugs and cognition, impulsivity, cognitive control, social cognition, and neurobiology of disease. The intent is to provide students with fundamental knowledge of how the brain relates to cognitive functions and how this may help in understanding and treatment of human diseases that affect the central nervous system.

  • Graduate Neuroanatomy

    GS14 1181(1 credits)


    This course will provide a broad overview of the structure and function of the central nervous system. The general architecture of the nervous system and its functional systems are presented on plastinated specimen. Plastination is a novel technique for preservation of the human body by replacing water content with polymers, creating specimen that are dry, odorless, durable, and nontoxic. Professional anatomists pristinely dissected our specimen, which last 15-20 years, to exact specifications, allowing views of anatomical structures not commonly seen. Graduate students will not only benefit from hands-on neuroanatomy laboratory sessions and a practical exam (an exam identifying structures on the brain specimen), but also from experience as teaching assistants in an interprofessional course. Many PhDs will have teaching responsibilities in their careers. This course specifically trains graduate students in neuroanatomy just prior to them teaching it to first-year dental students as part of their neuroanatomy training. Graduate students will receive student evaluations from their dental students, both as feedback and proof of teaching experience.

  • 分子和细胞神经科学

    GS14 1214(4 credits)

    海德伯格,露丝。四个semester hours. Fall, annually. Grading System: Letter Grade. Prerequisite: None.


    Curriculum Committee Commended Course for Academic Year 2020-2021

  • Neurocircuits and Behavior

    GS14 1223 (3 credits)

    Do Monte, Fabricio; Tong, Qingchun:三个学期。Spring, even years. Grading System: Letter Grade. Prerequisites: GS14 1214: Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, GS14 1014: Systems Neuroscience, and consent of instructor.


  • Systems Neuroscience

    GS14 1024 (4 credits)

    Dragoi, Valentin. Four semester hours. Spring, annually. Grading System: Letter Grade. Prerequisite: consent of instructor

    本课程涵盖了系统神经科学中的关键概念,使学生能够了解单个神经元和电路如何处理信息以及如何调节行为。重点放在神经系统中的细胞和网络的基本结构和功能上。该课程涵盖了检查体内神经元和网络的运行的主要可用技术。功能性神经解剖学的原理是通过强调构成系统神经科学基础的主要类型的神经元电路类型来提出的。神经开发部门旨在为学生洞悉神经元电路的早期“塑造”作为计算单元。系统神经科学中的一个重要概念是以层次结构处理信息。介绍这个问题将使学生能够了解构成认知基础的皮质处理的不同阶段。最后,在短期和长期的可塑性,适应和学习的背景下讨论了神经元和电路的基本特性,即适应能力。本课程的总体目标是通过强调神经回路如何分析感官信息,形成外部世界的看法,使学生对神经元电路功能,发展和可塑性的基本了解,使 decisions,and execute movements.

Candidacy Exam Description

Neuroscience Program students can either take an on- or an off-topic candidacy exam, following the GSBS guidelines for主题或主题exam, respectively. The candidacy exam is to be taken during the spring semester of the student’s second year, but not later than during the fall semester of their third year. The exam is designed to meet two main objectives:

  • To evaluate the student’s ability to develop a novel hypothesis, write a proposal that tests that hypothesis, and defend an original research project.
  • To evaluate the breadth of the student’s overall neuroscience knowledge as gained from the Neuroscience Core Courses.

The research proposal should be broad in scope, and should incorporate several distinctly different experimental approaches. Although most breadth questions will be derived from the research proposal, the student will ultimately be responsible for all areas covered in the core curriculum. Development of the proposal should followGSBS guidelines.

There are three phases to the candidacy exam:

  • 选择由咨询委员会批准的主题,并生成一页摘要提交给计划经理和学术标准委员会
  • Writing a proposal in NIH pre-doctoral fellowship format
  • Taking an oral examination based on the submitted proposal, consisting of a 15-20 minute presentation followed by a period of open questioning by a five-member committee.

NGP Candidacy Exam Procedures Flipbook

NGP Candidacy Exam Procedures Flipbook
