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Work by GSBS alumna Vanja Krneta-Stankic, PhD, published on cover of Cell Reports

Tracey Barnett

The cover image shows explanted Xenopus kidney progenitor cells expressing Daam1GFP (magenta) and membraneRFP (yellow) mRNA. Image by Vanja Krneta-Stankic.

Graduate School alumnaVanja Krneta-Stankic’s research on kidney development was published inCell Reportsand featured on the cover of the July issue. In this Q&A with the Graduate School, Stankic discusses her first-author paper and how studying at the school helped her achieve this publishing accomplishment.

Can you explain your research featured inCell Reports?


What does it mean to you to have this work published in such a high-impact journal?

“As with many projects, there were a lot of ups and downs along the way. For example, we utilized various experimental techniques in novel contexts, so experimental procedures had to be optimized. This process was labor-intensive and frustrating at times. However, it was very gratifying once experiments started to work and entirely worth it in the end. I am excited to see the work published and share it with the greater scientific community. It is also a testament to overcoming the challenges we faced along the way.

“我要感谢我的论文顾问Rachel Miller博士使这个项目成为可能。我非常感谢她的支持和指导。此外,我要感谢Miller和McCrea Lab成员的支持。我也非常感谢我所有的咨询委员会成员对该项目的宝贵反馈和评论。最终,非常感谢我们在这个项目上的所有合作者。”


”’让我interact with so many amazing and supportive scientists that were instrumental in pushing this project forward. Besides, it presented scholarship opportunities that helped with the funding of this project. Thank you, GSBS!”

Krneta-Stankic graduated in the fall of 2020 with a PhD in Genes and Development. She is currently a postdoctoral fellow in the lab of GSBS faculty Jichao Chen, PhD. Her advisor was Rachel Miller, PhD.

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