



  • 学术不诚实: Engaging in academic dishonesty, including but not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, collusion, submitting for credit any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to another person without giving sufficient credit, taking an exam for another person or having another person take an exam for the student, acting in a manner that would give unfair advantage to a student, or attempting to commit such acts.
    1. 作弊是以下或尝试执行以下操作:
      • Copying from the test paper (or other assignment) of another student, engaging in written, oral, or any other means of communication with another student during a test, or giving aid to or seeking aid from another person during a test or on another assignment where doing so is prohibited by the instructor;
      • 在未经进行测试的人授权的材料测试期间拥有和/或使用,例如课堂笔记,计算器,电子设备,书籍或专门设计的“ CRIB笔记”;
      • Using, obtaining, or attempting to obtain by any means the whole or any part of a non-administered test, test key, homework solution, or computer program, or using a test that has been administered in prior classes or semesters, but which will be used again either in whole or in part, without permission of the instructor; or accessing a test bank without instructor permission;
      • 代替另一个人,或允许另一个人代替自己的自我进行考试;要么
      • Falsifying research data, laboratory reports, and/or other records or academic work offered for credit.
    2. Plagiarism is the appropriation of material that is attributable in whole or in part to another source without any indication of the original source, including words, ideas, illustrations, structure, computer code, and other expression or media, and presenting that material as one’s own academic work being offered for credit or in conjunction with a program course or degree requirements.
    3. 串通是与另一个人的未经授权合作,以准备为信贷或与他人合作的学术任务,以违反有关学术不诚实规则的任何规定,包括披露和/或分发考试内容。
    4. Misrepresenting facts for academic advantage to the University or an agent of the University. This includes, but is not limited, to providing false information on an application, providing false grades or résumés; providing false or misleading information in an effort to receive a postponement or an extension on a test, quiz, or other assignment for the purpose of obtaining an academic or financial benefit for oneself or another individual; and providing false or misleading information in an effort to injure another student academically or financially.
  • Alcohol/Drugs:未经授权或非法使用,藏有或出售药物,麻醉或酒精(也指箍9,酒精饮料,,,,箍163,参加活动的健身(学生)and箍173药物滥用)。
  • 健康和安全:危害大学物业上或关闭大学财产的任何人的健康或安全,包括参加大学或UT系统赞助的任何活动,包括但不限于实地考察,出国留学计划,Inter-inter-inter-inter-instoral intural Athletic活动,学生组织,实验室以及其他轮换或临床任务。
  • Disruptions:Obstructing, disrupting or interfering, individually or in concert with others, with teaching, educational, research, administrative, disciplinary, public service or other activity or public performance authorized by the university to be held on university property or while participating in any activities sponsored by the university or UT System, including, but not limited to, field trips, study abroad programs, inter- and/or intramural athletic activities, student organizations, and laboratory and other rotations or clinical assignments, whether on or off university property; such behavior includes, but is not limited to, making false threats, any act that interrupts, modifies or damages university utility service or equipment; communication service or equipment; and computer hardware, programs, records or networks accessible through university resources.
  • 性行为不端Investigations:Interfering with, obstructing, or refusing to participate in an investigation underHOOP 59, Prohibition of Sexual Harassment & Sexual Misconduct
  • 煽动无法行动:从事煽动或制定迫在眉睫的无法行动的讲话或写作,这可能会煽动或产生这种行动。
  • 未经授权使用财产:从事未经授权的财产和/或使用大学财产,设备,用品,建筑物或设施。
  • 欺凌:与他人共同参与欺凌,单独或与他人共同进行。在有或未经学生同意的情况下,在校园内或校外或未经校园的同意下,欺凌行为受到州法律的禁止,并且屈服于欺凌行为和造成欺凌者的人都受到纪律处分。故意未能报告欺凌行为可以使人们受到纪律处分。组织的启动或活动可能不包含任何学生危险,有害或贬低的功能。组织和参与的个人都受到纪律处分。


    1. 是否有任何类型的身体残酷性,例如鞭打,跳动,醒目,品牌,电动震动,将有害物质放置在体内或类似活动中;
    2. 涉及任何类型的体育活动,例如睡眠剥夺,暴露于元素,小空间中的限制,健美操或其他类似的活动,使学生遭受不合理的伤害风险或对精神健康或身体健康或安全性的不利影响学生
    3. any activity involving consumption of a food, liquid, alcoholic beverage, liquor, drug, or other substance that subjects the student to an unreasonable risk of harm or that adversely affects the mental or physical health or safety of the student;
    4. 任何引起,原因或要求学生履行涉及违反法律的职责或任务的活动;要么
    5. 任何恐吓或威胁学生被排斥的活动,使学生遭受极端的心理压力,羞耻或屈辱,从而对学生的心理健康或尊严产生不利影响,或者劝阻学生在教育机构,教育机构中注册或继续注册或者可能会合理地期望使学生离开组织或机构,而不是提交本小节中描述的行为。

In an effort to encourage reporting of hazing, the university may grant immunity from student or employee disciplinary action to a person who, in good faith, voluntarily reports specific incidents of hazing prior to being contacted concerning the incident or being included in the institution’s investigation of the incident. This immunity does not extend to the person’s own violation of hazing.

  • 性行为不端(refer toHOOP 59, Prohibition of Sexual Harassment & Sexual Misconduct)。
  • 更改官方文件:更改或协助更改大学或UT系统的任何正式记录,或提交虚假信息或忽略与入学申请,学位或任何正式记录有关的信息或相关的信息。从事此类行为的前学生将要采取纪律处分,包括但不限于禁止重新入学,撤销学位和退出文凭。该禁令包括参加或协助大学发行的任何停车许可证,交通票或停车票的锻造,更改或重复的学生;大学赞助的计划或活动的任何门票;大学发行的任何身份证手段;任何义务大学支付任何金额的工具;任何可用于输入大学拥有或控制的建筑物的钥匙;或与其他人一起参加此类行动。
  • 故意破坏:污损,破坏,破坏或占有未经授权的大学财产,设备,物资,建筑物或设施。
  • Use of Explosives, Weapons or Hazardous Chemicals:拥有或使用任何类型的爆炸物,枪支,模仿枪支,弹药,危险化学或武器在大学财产期间由州或联邦法律定义,除非法律授权。.大学对校园中隐藏的手枪制定了一项政策(箍222,校园隐藏的手枪)。除非该政策明确说明,否则将根据本政策中的程序处理任何违反该政策的行为。
  • 未报告分配:未能向指定的培训环境报告未经辩护的培训环境,包括作为研究生助教或研究生研究助理的服务,在此服务是学术要求beplay苹果手机能用吗
  • 盗窃:盗窃,窃取或未经授权拥有由大学或U.T.系统。
  • 报复:Retaliating in any way against an individual who has brought a complaint under this policy or any other university policy or participated in an investigation or disciplinary process of such complaint (see箍108,防止报复)。
  • Engaging in Gambling:在大学拥有或控制的财产,建筑物或设施上进行赌博。
  • 信息资源系统违规行为:学生利用大学信息资源要么connecting to university information resources with a personal or non-university owned system will be held responsible for adhering to all university policies and procedures regarding information resource usage as well as state and federal rules and regulations. Information resource systems usage violations include, but are not limited to, unauthorized system/network activity and unauthorized distribution or altering of programs and/or data. See箍180,可接受的大学信息资源
  • Knowingly Submitting False Information:故意向大学官员提供虚假信息。该禁令包括一名学生,他故意提交与另一名学生所谓的违反该政策有关的虚假报告。
  • Violations of Local, State or Federal Law:从事可能违反联邦,州或地方法律规定的行为,无论违规是否发生在大学财产或与任何大学活动有关的情况下。