Kolonin关于癌症研究中公布的非侵入性成像探测的研究beplay苹果手机能用吗at McGovern Medical School


By Roman Petrowski, Office of Communications

Noninvasive Imaging Story

Mikhail Kolonin,Phd和Shraddha Subramanian

最近的一项研究实验室Mikhail Kolonin, PhD在identification of a new molecule that binds metastatic cells and demonstrates their application as noninvasive imaging has been published inCancer Research.

“Biomarkers or metastatic cells are lacking, and probes that could be used to detect and target metastases would be highly valuable,” the authors said. “We hypothesized that metastatic cancer cells express cell-surface receptors that could be harnessed for identification of molecules homing to metastases.”

由癌症导致的大多数死亡是由转移引起的,或远离癌症的主要部位的继发性肿瘤引起。通过上皮 - 间充质转换(EMT),癌细胞获得更具侵袭性,迁移和转移的潜力。这些细胞也变得更耐化疗,导致可治愈的转移性癌症阶段。

“Currently there are no effective approaches for early detection of these cells in tumors,” the authors wrote. “Development of imaging probes for aggressive cancer cells would enable timely detection of metastatic cancers. Such probes could also lead to new therapeutic strategies to targets prometastatic cancer cells, which could improve patient outcome.”

Here, the team isolated cell-targeting peptides throughin vivo筛选在自发乳腺癌转移的小鼠模型中筛选噬菌体展示的肽文库模拟患者用化疗治疗的临床环境。研究人员beplay苹果手机能用吗在该临床前模型中发现了一种庚烷基循环肽归酸于肺转移,并命名为乳腺肺转移归巢肽(BLMP)。通过使用细胞培养模型,显示BLMPS HOME到正在进行EMT的细胞

肽,BLMP6中的一种放射性标记并被验证为选择性探针,从而使小鼠中的肺转移检测能够进行无侵入性检测。研究人员beplay苹果手机能用吗还修饰该肽在细胞内化上诱导编程细胞死亡,并证明所得的猎人杀手肽可以消融癌细胞并抑制转移负荷in vivo.

“Our study shows that BLMP6, or other molecules targeting carcinoma cells post-EMT, could be developed for guiding chemotherapy and gene therapy to metastases, for which systemic therapy delivery has remained poorly effective,” the authors said. “Based on our results, we envision new approaches to targeting metastatic cells, which could be transformative in cancer medicine. Imaging probes based on these peptides may also enable detection of metastasis at their earliest stages of development.”

The Kolonin Lab’s research is the first publication to validate peptides selectively targeting chemoresistant cells undergoing EMT in live mouse models.

“首次,我们首次表征杂交到转移细胞的肽,”作者说。“肽的肽与癌细胞结合的若干前述报道和抑制显示技术鉴定的转移。但是,识别它们的屏幕在细胞系上进行ex vivo并且肽被显示为主肿瘤而不是转移。“

The paper, titled “Characterization of peptides targeting metastatic tumor cells as probes for cancer detection and vehicles for therapy delivery,” was authored byShraddha Subramanian, graduate research assistant;Alexes Daquinag,PHD,高级研究科学家;beplay苹果手机能用吗Solmaz Aghaamiri,博士, 博士后研究员;beplay苹果手机能用吗Sukhen Ghosh,Phd, research scientist;Ali Azhdarinia,博士,副教授Center for Translational Cancer Research;和Kolonin,教授和哈里E. Bovay,JR.杰出的大学椅子Metabolic Disease Researchat the棕色基金会医学研究所.

Subramanian is a student, and Kolonin and Azhdarinia are faculty members at MD Anderson Cancer Center UTHealth Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences.
