

By Roman Petrowski, Office of Communications

Selvaraj Lab - Postmortem Brain Studies

A review and meta-analysis of postmortem brain studies from the lab of Sudhakar Selvaraj, MD, was published in Molecular Psychiatry (Photo by Aaron Nieto)

A recent review and meta-analysis of postmortem brain studies from the lab of医学博士Sudhakar Selvaraj,副教授the Louis A. Faillace, MD, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, was published in the January edition ofMolecular Psychiatry.


“MDD and BD are considered heterogeneous conditions with multiple underlying pathophysiological mechanism that include genetic, immune, synaptic, cellular stress and oxidative response pathways,” the authors said. “However, the exact pathophysiology of mood disorders is still not known but is likely multifactorial.”

Postmortem brain studies of BD and MDD patients have implicated synaptic dysfunction leading to morphological and cellular changes in brain regions. These changes include reduced glial cell density and neuronal size in the prefrontal cortex, orbitofrontal cortex, amygdala, hippocampus, and anterior cingulate cortex, and show that synaptic function-related genes and synaptic function-related genes are decreased in patients with these disorders.

However, in various other postmortem studies in MDD and BD patients have shown discrepancies in comparison to other findings, including increases, decreases, and no change in synaptic proteins.



The research focused around synaptophysin, proteins associated with the Snap Receptor (SNARE) complex, and the postsynaptic density protein 95 (PSD-95). According to the authors, proteins from the SNARE complex are necessary for vesicular docking and fusion with the presynaptic membrane, while PSD-95 is necessary for synaptic excitability.

“Given the importance of these proteins in synaptic communication, understanding the levels of these proteins in BD and MDD is important in understanding the pathophysiology of these mood disorders,” the authors said.”


“To our knowledge, this is the first systematic review and metanalyses of synaptic protein studies in MDD and BD to evaluate the localization and levels of synaptic proteins and mRNAs in these mood disorders,” the authors said. “While exploratory, this analysis may guide further research and inquiry into these critical synaptic proteins.”

The paper titled “Alterations in brain synaptic proteins and mRNAs in mood disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis of postmortem brain studies”由第一作者共同撰写爱迪生梁,医学博士;Ethan W. Lau;和Andi Liang;也Constanza de Dios, PhD, 博士后研究员;beplay苹果手机能用吗Robert Suchting, PhD,精神病学助理教授;Linda Östlundh;Joseph C. Masdeu, MD, PhD;Masahiro Fujita,医学博士;医学博士Marsal Sanches,博士;Jair C. Soares,医学博士,博士;精神病学教授兼主席;和Selvaraj。
