
Anthony R. Flores, MD, PhD, associate professor in the Department of Pediatrics has been named chief of the Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, effective July 1, 2021. Flores succeeds Gloria Heresi, MD, who held the position for the last decade….

Ruda named Child Safety and Integrated Care Division Chief

儿科系助理教授米歇尔·T·鲁达(Michelle T. Ruda)担任儿童安全和综合护理部门的领导。鲁达(Ruda)接替了自2012年以来领导该计划的医学博士丽贝卡·吉拉德(Rebecca Girardet)。




Following a summer fraught with violence and protests, shining a light on racial injustice and inequities, medical students across the country began calling for a more comprehensive examination of social determinants of health in their education. In an answer to…

Linking medically complex children’s outpatient team with hospitalists improved inpatient care

When medically complex children are hospitalized, linking hospitalists to their regular outpatient providers through an inpatient consultation service were more likely to improve outcomes, according to researchers at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth). Results from…

Four earn Women’s Faculty Forum Excellence Awards

妇女教师论坛(WFF)将在12月2日下午4:30-6下午2点通过Wevex通过Webex在虚拟演讲中向四名McGovern医学院教职员工颁发2020年卓越奖。加入演示文稿的事件代码为120 199 5152,…


麦戈文医学院(McGovern Medical School)任命了八位教职员工为首届多元化和包容性副主席,该倡议始于前迪恩·芭芭拉·J·斯托尔(Dean Barbara J. Stoll),医学博士。“在我们一些大型部门中拥有多元化和包容性的副主席……


由于他非语言自闭症,山姆Lujan不always warm up to new people right away. However, in 2016 there was an exception when his mother, Maria Lujan, brought him and his little brother to visit their new pediatrician at…


Ian Butler, MD, professor in the Department of Pediatrics and Distinguished Chair in West Syndrome Research, has stepped down from his role as chief of Division of Pediatric and Adolescent Neurology, a position he’s held since 1976. For over four…

McGovern residents volunteer for COVID-19 front lines
