Flores elected Pediatric Infectious Disease Society fellow

Anthony Flores, MD, MPH, PhD, associate professor in the Department of Pediatrics, is one of eight distinguished physicians and scientists from across the U.S. and around the world to be elected as fellows of the Pediatric Infectious Disease Society (PIDS)…

Look to the stars



随着世界社会距离由于the COVID-19 pandemic, an unfortunate trend has seen many children miss their well-child visits and immunization vaccines, leading to possible problems outside of the virus. However, a group of students at…



Planes, trains and automobiles: reducing the risks of traveling this summer



The coronavirus pandemic, coupled with recent headlines of injustice, riots, racial tension, and protests, has surfaced feelings of anxiety and depression in adults, but young people are no doubt feeling the impact as well. “Mental illnesses are on the rise…


“我在炎热的天气里游泳,” 6岁的欧文·麦凯(Owen McKay)在与休斯敦德克萨斯大学健康科学中心(Uthealth)的麦戈文医学院的学生卡罗琳·安德鲁斯(Caroline Andrews)的虚拟辅导期间说。Beplay体育中心就在几周前,“ S”…



Scheduling appointments during COVID-19

待在家里,安全命令已在全州取消,但是由于19 Covid-19,仍然存在如此多的不确定性,许多患者可能会警惕参加他们急需的任命,并有可能使自己处于恶化状况的风险……。

Experts at UTHealth successfully treat severe case of COVID-19 in 3-week-old infant

In one of the first reported cases of its kind, a 3-week-old infant in critical condition recovered from COVID-19 due to rapid recognition and treatment by physicians from McGovern Medical School at The University of Texas Health Science Center at…
