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Paula Clay, BA, IBCLC

Paula is a board-certified lactation consultant at the Lactation Foundation.

“The best things in life are often unplanned. I have a degree in French and English from the University of St. Thomas, taught English in France, and worked as a legal assistant in a large law firm. Never did I think that breastfeeding would be my passion and joy. I don’t think I’d even heard or read the word until my first friend to have a baby gave birth a few years after we’d graduated from college. This dear friend guided me through my first pregnancy and gave me all the support that I needed to be successful with breastfeeding. We had a pact that I did not need to worry because if anything went wrong with labor or breastfeeding, she’d do the research for me and find the expert help and information that I needed. Although I experienced no major challenges in breastfeeding my two children, supportive friends made it much easier for me to meet my breastfeeding goals.

我的旅程成为哺乳消费意识ltant began when I attend my first La Leche League meeting in 1995 when my oldest was 3 months old. As an “experienced” mother of 3 months, I could encourage the newer moms at the meeting and learn from those with older babies. I became a Leader after my second child was born, and I’ve been learning and helping moms with breastfeeding ever since.所有mothers need help with breastfeeding—sometimes they just need reassurance and a safe place to complain, sometimes they need more experienced help.”

Paula remembers the challenges of little ones and feels a duty to support those still in the trenches. In addition to supporting breastfeeding mothers, Paula is also a volunteer with Houston Greeters, giving free tours of the Menil Museum and the University of St. Thomas neighborhood.

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