
Dr. Blackwell specializes in maternal fetal medicine and has clinical and scientific expertise in preterm birth, medical complications of pregnancy, the role of obesity in pregnancy outcomes, pregnancy in women with physical disabilities, fetal brain injury and shoulder Dystocia.

He serves as the director of the Larry C. Gilstrap, M.D., Center for Perinatal and Women’s Health Research at UTHealth Medical School. He is a graduate of the Physician Quality and Safety Academy at Memorial Hermann-Texas Medical Center and UTHealth Medical School. He serves as vice chair for clinical research in the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and as assistant dean for Healthcare Quality in Perinatal Medicine and Women’s Health at UTHealth Medical School.

He is a member of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, the Perinatal Research Society, the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, the Society for Clinical Trials and the Central Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

He is an associate editor ofPregnancy and Childbirth, BMC Research Notes, a guest editor of产科和Gynecology Clinics of North Americaand产科和Gynecology International, and on the editorial boards of产科和Gynecology International,Journal of Pregnancy, Gynecology & Obstetrics: Current Research, and theAmerican Journal of Perinatology.


Medical School
University of Illinois College of Medicine
Wayne State University School of Medicine
Maternal-Fetal Medicine @ Wayne State University School of Medicine

Areas of Interest

Clinical Interests

Clinical trails, Evidence-based medicine, Quality improvement, Preterm birth, Fetal brain injury, Intrauterine infection, Shoulder dystocia