Fellowship Programs


Brain Injury Medicine Fellowship Program (ACGME-accredited)

克里斯托弗·法尔科(Christopher Falco)

Dr. Christopher M. Falco is the Fellowship Program Director to the newly-accredited Brain Injury Medicine Fellowship Program.


Tirr Memorial Hermann是奖学金计划的初级教学医院,是住院和门诊康复的国家领导者。我们的康复医院借给培训最优质的脑损伤医生。该同伴在与生理学家的住院和门诊环境中旋转,并向神经心理学家,研究人员,神经精神科医生和治疗师学习。beplay苹果手机能用吗此外,受训者在世界知名的脑损伤专家Gerard Francisco博士,拥有R0-1赠款的多个研究人员(例如Sheng Li博士)和董事会认证的大脑数量最多的研究人员中,接触了该领域的国家专业知识。beplay苹果手机能用吗美国一个机构的伤害专家。学员还接触了1000多个涉及痉挛管理和鞘内巴氯芬泵管理的程序。


Matthew Davis

Dr. Matthew E. Davis is the Fellowship Program Director for the Spinal Cord Injury Medicine Fellowship Program.

脊髓损伤奖学金为研究员准备了急性SCI管理,急性康复和对SCI患者的长期护理的技能。我们的研究员今年六个月在康复与研究研究所(TIRR)和纪念赫尔曼医院 - 德克萨斯医学中心(MH-TMC)和其他六个月的纪念活动。beplay苹果手机能用吗在SCI专业人员通常会练习的各种环境中,这种安排为急性和慢性SCI提供了均衡的暴露。

Unique experiences at the VA include:

– Weekly bedside wound care rounds with attending physicians, residents, and plastic surgeons.

- 每周泌尿外科由神经术学家主持。在此期间,研究员学会了阅读尿动力学示踪,并了解神经源性膀胱的不同治疗选择。

– Weekly infectious disease rounds and orthopedic surgery rounds, both of which are hosted by specialists who are innovators, leaders, and vested heavily into research of SCI patients.

- 观察和执行包括化学修复,尿动力学研究和骨科手术在内的程序的机会。

- 涉及年度身体医生的门诊诊所,在此期间,同伴在SCI和内科医学双重登机的医生的指导下,在SCI患者的指导下充当了SCI患者的初级保健医生。

MH-TMC和TIRR的旋转是一种明显不同的经历,可暴露于最近受伤的患者和急性康复过程。六个月中的两个时间都在纪念赫尔曼(Memorial Hermann)度过,这是该国最繁忙的一级创伤中心之一,该中心接收了来自得克萨斯州和周边地区许多地区的患者。在MH-TMC,该研究员是一名负责为重症监护病房中SCI患者急性管理的建议,与神经外科医生和强化主义者紧密合作。该研究员因创伤性和狂暴原因而受到多种水平的脊髓损伤。

The remaining 4 months of this rotation involve managing an inpatient service at TIRR, a freestanding acute rehabilitation hospital with 3 active inpatient SCI services. TIRR is internationally recognized for excellence in rehabilitative medicine. Each member of the teams on the SCI service (PT, OT, psychology, social work, etc.) see SCI patients almost exclusively – allowing for a focus and expertise not only of the physician but of the whole team. At TIRR, fellows are exposed to specialty wheelchair and seating clinic, management of patients on mechanical ventilators (along with placement of diaphragmatic pacers), robotics, and other cutting-edge practices not commonly seen in rehabilitation centers with a smaller SCI census.

TIRR病例组合指数表明我们关心ome of the most acute and medically complicated patients seen by any rehabilitation facility in the country. At any given time, each inpatient service at TIRR may carry 2-5 patients on ventilators. By the end of their time at TIRR, fellows should be competent to care for the most complex SCI patients.

The six months at TIRR/ MH-TMC includes participation in an active outpatient SCI clinic. The fellow is provided the opportunity to spend at minimum three half-days per week seeing SCI outpatients with a wide array of medical, psychosocial, and musculoskeletal problems. Procedures include trigger point injections, intra-articular injections, ultrasound-guided botulinum and phenol injections, intrathecal baclofen pump refills, and musculoskeletal ultrasound. Ongoing SCI-related clinics include an orthotics clinic, Urology Clinic, Obstetrics and Gynecology and Fertility Clinic. Other specialists including psychiatrists, internists, neurosurgeons, podiatrists, a wound care nurse, a social worker and others are also available.



• A good balance of both acute and chronic SCI, VA and private/academic practice, inpatient and outpatient experience, in the settings SCI-professionals typically practice.

• Opportunities for learning and mentorship from a total of ten actively practicing, subspecialty- certified SCI physicians.

• A strong faculty commitment to fellow education, in which the faculty often outnumber the fellows.


To learn more you may contact our Residency and Fellowship Coordinator, Kathy Brown at 713-797-7429 or via email atkathy.brown@uth.tmc.edu。

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