Pandemic Parenting: Myths and Truths about Mental Healthcare


mental health and illness have historically been treated as taboo topics in society. While we have been taking steps forward in advocating for adequate healthcare, misinformation is still a major issue. If your child is struggling with mental illness, having a solid understanding of how their treatment works is crucial for recovery and good long-term prognosis. With that in mind, let’s break down some myths about therapy and medications!

myth: Doctors don’t believe in natural therapies.

Truth:beplay苹果手机能用吗世界各地的研究人员正在积极找什么g at alternative and complementary treatments for mental illnesses. However, there is so much information we still don’t know about the various supplements and therapies available. Though the process is too complicated to go into detail here, the thing to know is that just like medications, each potential treatment should be evaluated for efficacy, safety, and be tested in both animals and humans. This process takes years before something can hit the shelves. However, unlike medications, natural supplements are not currently strictly regulated (particularly in the USA), meaning what you think you’re buying may not actually be what’s inside. Additionally, many manufacturers use “proprietary formulations” that include ingredients that may reduce the supplement effect, interact with medications, or at worst, cause damage or death. As for interventions (acupuncture, essential oils, cupping, etc.), only limited research studies are available and often contradicts each other. The important thing to keep in mind is that natural isn’t always better, and it’s best to discuss them with your doctor before starting so you can weigh the potential risks and benefits.

myth: The treatment doesn’t work if I don’t see results right away.

Truth:Unlike other types of illnesses, mental disorders typically develop over time. Our brains are complex organs, and we still know very little about how they work. What we do understand is that any changes in the brain happen slowly. Therefore, any treatment requires patience and time. Therapy is focused on identifying and addressing unhealthy beliefs, self-talk, and coping mechanisms. Medications are designed to change the way your brain produces the chemicals that affect mood and behavior. Just like diet or exercise, it’s normal not to see changes for weeks to months. That doesn’t mean your child isn’t improving; progress can just be subtle and take a while to notice. Giving up too soon could cause your child to miss out on the potential benefits.

myth: You can do therapy once a month and get better.

Truth:想多长时间带你去结识一些新的朋友or be comfortable with someone you didn’t know in the past. Would you have gotten to know them as well if you only saw them on occasion? The same goes for your child and a therapist. As mentioned above, therapy is designed to get to the root of psychological issues. This requires a lot of trust and a good relationship. It takes time and consistency to form that kind of connection. Also, a lot of things can happen in the span of a few days or weeks. As most sessions are 30-60 min long, it can be very challenging to address issues in detail when your child only sees the therapist once a month. Therapy is most effective when sessions are weekly (ideal) to biweekly because it allows the therapist to stay updated on what’s happening. It also encourages your child to practice any skills they learn more regularly and make changes more quickly.


Truth:就像我们每个人都是文化,背景和生活经历的混合在一起一样,精神疾病在人中的表现不同。因此,我们不能指望一种类型的疗法可以治疗每种疾病。针对特定症状或问题的个人疗法(心理分析,心理动力,认知行为等)有不同的方法。还有一些涉及多个人的疗法 - 夫妻,家庭,群体。您的治疗师还将考虑到您孩子的发育水平/需求,以便他们充分利用治疗。





myth: Psychiatric medications work like other medicines.

Truth:As mentioned above, psychiatric medications target the chemical imbalance in your child’s brain. Since they are believed to alter the levels of those chemicals, they take time to start doing so. With a few exceptions (such as stimulants for ADHD), these medicines will need weeks to fully become effective. They also require regular dosing, and some even have strict scheduling requirements. As such, you cannot stop and start them abruptly, skip doses, or you use them on an as needed basis like over-the-counter medications (unless your doctor specifies). You also need to be careful when combining them with other medications or supplements, as interactions can cause severe problems or damage.

myth: Once my child starts medication, they won’t ever be able to get off.

Truth:What we know about mental illness is that there’s a lot of different factors that determine how severe symptoms are and how it affects long-term prognosis. While using the word “cured” is not an accurate way to describe recovery, many people with mental illness live full, happy, and successful lives with or after treatment. Your child’s ability to be weaned off medication will depend on their genetics, unique chemistry, psychological traits, and environment. These are all things the doctor will consider, but your (and your child, if they’re older) collaboration is welcome and encouraged. The truth is, your doctor’s hope is also to help your child get to the point where medications aren’t needed, or at least at minimal levels. Treatment is meant to be a collaborative and dynamic process.


撰写者:詹妮弗·杨(Jennifer Yen),医学博士

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