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MRO医学博士Sanjay G. Adhia
医学博士Sanjay G. Adhia在法医精神病学,脑损伤医学和精神病学中得到了董事会认证。他看到患者因情绪困扰,心理健康损伤以及脑损伤的问题而受到因素,诸如人身伤害,不当影响,能力改变,医疗事故,身体和情绪虐待,暴力或犯罪行为等因素引起的。他的临床重点是治疗脑损伤,中风和脊髓损伤的神经精神并发症。Full Bio
Jose A. Arriola Vigo
MPH的Jose A Arriola Vigo,医学博士是一名双语精神病医生,接受了咨询精神病学研究金培训。他的专业知识涵盖了与一般医学和外科疾病合并的精神疾病的诊断和管理。他的专业知识涵盖了患有焦虑症,抑郁症,躁郁症和精神病患者的成年人的精神病护理。Full Bio
Andreana T. Augustus,博士
医学博士Amanda Helminiak
Dr. Helminiak has expertise in acute psychiatric inpatient hospitalization where she assesses and treats patients who are at risk of harm to self or others or unable to care for themselves due to an exacerbation of their mental health condition.Full Bio
詹妮弗·休斯博士的照片 詹妮弗·休斯(Jennifer Hughes)博士,
詹妮弗·休斯(Jennifer Hughes)博士专门研究儿童和成人创伤和PTSD的评估和治疗。她接受了多种基于循证的PTSD疗法的培训,包括以创伤为中心的认知行为疗法(TF-CBT),认知加工疗法(CPT)和长期暴露疗法(PE)。Full Bio
Lisa Y. Kan,博士
Vinay Kothapalli, MD, MPH Vinay S. Kothapalli
Dr. Kothapalli is triple board certified in General, Child & Adolescent, and Forensic psychiatry. Additionally, he has clinical expertise working with developmentally disabled individuals as well as individuals in both the juvenile correctional system and the adult correctional system. Dr. Kothapalli has experience conducting criminal forensic evaluations and is also trained to conduct a variety of civil forensic evaluations.Full Bio
Deborah Little博士 Deborah M. Little
利特尔博士的专业知识领域包括:轻度至重度脑损伤对认知和行为的影响;定量评估脑损伤对脑结构的影响;创伤性脑损伤是抑郁症的危险因素,对大脑的退化性变化;影响创伤引起的大脑变化的能力的前和合并症条件。Full Bio
鲍比·尼克斯(Bobby Nix) Bobby R. Nix,医学博士
NIX博士在涉及焦虑,抑郁,躁郁症和合并症滥用的患者的病例方面提供了专业知识。此外,他还在国家医学委员会案件方面有关于精神病医生的投诉。年龄范围18-65。Full Bio
Selek博士 医学博士Salih Selek
Selek博士已经在最大的一个工作cademic teaching hospital as inpatient psychiatrist and specializes in mood disorders, especially treatment refractory mood disorders. He has been certified in Medical Quality designated by American Board of Medical Quality, having practiced medicine in Turkey, Germany, and the United States with diverse patients.Full Bio
Lokesh Shahani,医学博士,MPH,FACP
Lokesh Shahani博士是由美国精神病学和神经病学委员会和美国内科医学委员会的双重训练和执业的精神科医生和内科医生和董事会认证。他担任Uthealth Harris County Psychiatric Center的首席医疗官和老年精神病学计划的主任。他的专业领域包括老年精神病学和医院管理。Full Bio
Dr. Leslie Taylor 莱斯利·泰勒(Leslie K. Taylor),博士
莱斯利·泰勒(Leslie K. Taylor),博士is a licensed psychologist in state of Texas and has special expertise in identifying and evaluating trauma in children and adolescents. Her clinical caseload is composed of children and adolescents who have survived sexual abuse, physical abuse, natural disasters, or traumatic bereavements.Full Bio