
教导确实是一种特权。一位老师在范围上具有几乎神话般的力量,可以唤醒学生的休眠状态,并激发他们以学习者的身份出色。每个学生都是未开发的海洋。同样,课堂或诊所的每个时刻都是无限可能的教学时刻。教学滋养智力并补充灵魂。我教导,以便我可以启发并受到启发。学习是一个积极的过程,学习者需要受到老师的参与和挑战。反过来,学生延伸了教师的能力,从而创造了充满活力的学习环境。我试图促使我的学生独立思考,而不仅仅对平庸的表现感到满意。通过常规,持续的反馈和一致的做法,可以打破平庸的束缚。 All through my career as an academic psychiatrist, I have focused on creating a learning environment free from fear and intimidation, but enriched with openness and innovative thinking. I am convinced that such an environment lends itself to becoming a fertile substrate for extraordinary educational accomplishments. For example, a casual remark during the clinic or in the midst of a lecture could transmute into an exceptional scholarly product. I am always on the lookout for such magic. That’s why I teach.