
Jeffrey L. Van Eps, MD, is a colon and rectal surgeon who treats adult and senior patients for a wide range of gastrointestinal conditions. He combines evidence-based medicine with emerging surgical technology and minimally invasive approaches to achieve shorter hospital stays and excellent outcomes.

Dr. Van Eps values open communication, and his patients compliment his approachable bedside manner and attention to detail. He understands that colon and rectal disease puts patients in a vulnerable position. With that in mind, he is committed to partnering with his patients on their journey back to health.

As part of his post-graduate training, Dr. Van Eps completed a 3-year research fellowship focusing on surgical applications of regenerative medicine, tissue engineering, advanced biomaterials and nanomedicine. He continues his research endeavors as an assistant professor in the Department of Surgery at The University of Texas Health Science Science Center at Houston (UTHealth).

When not seeing patients, Dr. Van Eps enjoys spending time with his family and children. He also enjoys outdoor and sporting activities such as golf, football, hiking, fly fishing and remodeling.


Medical School
圣路易斯大学医学院of Medicine, 2010
Houston Methodist Hospital, 2018
University of Minnesota, 2019

Areas of Interest

Clinical Interests

Colon cancer, rectal cancer, minimally invasive & robotic surgery, segmental colectomy, total abdominal colectomy, cancer screening, inflammatory bowel disease, colostomy creation and reversal, fecal incontinence, diverticular disease, benign anorectal disorders, regenerative medicine, tissue engineering, nanomedicine.

Clinic Locations

UT Physicians Colon & Rectal Clinic – Texas Medical Center
6550 Fannin Street, Suite 2307
Houston, TX 77030