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Patients treated by mobile stroke units had better outcomes, according to national study published in NEJM

斯蒂芬妮·帕克(Stephanie Parker),MHA,BSN,RN,是一项研究的三位联合主要作者之一,表明在手术后90天,在移动中风单位接受治疗的缺血性中风患者的残疾较小。(纳什·贝克(Nash Baker)的照片)
斯蒂芬妮·帕克(Stephanie Parker),MHA,BSN,RN,是一项研究的三位联合主要作者之一,表明在手术后90天,在移动中风单位接受治疗的缺血性中风患者的残疾较小。(纳什·贝克(Nash Baker)的照片)
James C. Grotta, MD, co-primary author, founder and director of the Houston Mobile Stroke Unit Consortium. (Photo by UTHealth)
James C. Grotta, MD, co-primary author, founder and director of the Houston Mobile Stroke Unit Consortium. (Photo by UTHealth)
何塞·米格尔·雅马尔(Jose-Miguel Yamal)博士,联合主持作者,生物统计学教授兼Uthealth公共卫生学院临床试验中心协调中心主任。(图片由Uthealth摄)
何塞·米格尔·雅马尔(Jose-Miguel Yamal)博士,联合主持作者,生物统计学教授兼Uthealth公共卫生学院临床试验中心协调中心主任。(图片由Uthealth摄)

根据今天发表在该研究的一项研究新英格兰医学杂志led by researchers at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (休斯顿乌西卫生) and Memorial Hermann-Texas Medical Center.

“研究表明,每100名接受MSU而不是标准救护车治疗的患者,最终的残疾将较少,还有11个将无残疾,” MD詹姆斯·C·格罗塔(James C.在研究中,纪念Hermann-TMC临床研究与创新研究所中风研究主beplay苹果手机能用吗任,以及休斯顿移动中风单元财团的创始人兼总监。


“中风会影响整个家庭,而不仅仅是病人。” Uthealth Mobile Stroke单元计划的联合主持作者兼经理Stephanie Parker说。“这就是为什么找到减少患者残疾并改善生活质量的方法如此重要的原因。”帕克(Parker)在休斯顿Uthealth的McGovern医学院的神经病学系任职。

The study began in 2014 with the launch of the UTHealth Mobile Stroke Unit, the first MSU in the country, through a unique partnership with the Houston Fire Department and other local fire departments, as well as hospitals throughout the Texas Medical Center. The unique clinical trial compared outcomes for alternate weeks of service by the MSU or EMS.


“If mobile stroke units are more widely adopted, this could have a large impact on public health by changing the practice of pre-hospital care,” said Jose-Miguel Yamal, PhD, co-primary author and lead of the data coordinating center for the trial. “As we have learned in this trial, close integration and collaboration with the local emergency management systems is integral to the success of mobile stroke units. Embedding mobile stroke units into the EMS system has a huge pay off by being able to treat more stroke patients in those first critical hours after stroke.” Yamal is professor of biostatistics and director of the Coordinating Center for Clinical Trials within UTHealth School of Public Health.

休斯顿消防局授予医疗服务医学总监David Persse表示:“我在休斯顿最引以为傲的一件事是,可以进行一项重要的研究,以整合医疗界和消防部门。”“这花费了大量的整合和信任,一个真正重要的部分是休斯顿移动中风单位财团。”

该试验从2014年到2020年进行,并招募了1,500多名患者,最终在全国范围内扩展了六个额外的地点:田纳西大学的孟菲斯大学;纽约长老会(Weill Cornell和哥伦比亚大学);印第安纳大学健康;加利福尼亚州伯林格姆的Sutter Health;加州大学洛杉矶分校;以及科罗拉多州奥罗拉(Aurora)和科罗拉多州科罗拉多斯普林斯(Colorado Springs)的科罗拉多大学 - 阿斯丘兹分校。

Initially, the UTHealth Mobile Stroke Unit carried a vascular neurology specialist on board, with Grotta; Ritvij Bowry, MD; and other UTHealth neurologists rotating the duty. A subsequent学习2017年出版的表明,远程医疗可以取代MSU上的神经科医生,从而降低了成本。





这项研究是由病人集中Outcomes Research Institute, the American Heart Association, and Genentech. Philanthropic support for the UTHealth Mobile Stroke Unit has come from Frazer Ltd, which designed and donated the ambulance; Fondren Foundation; H-E-B; and James “Mattress Mack” McIngvale.


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