
Directory Profile

Joan C Engebretson

Joan C Engebretson, DrPH, AHN-BC, RN, FAAN

Professor Emerita
Faculty Emeriti

Dr. Engebretson is a professor of nursing with a joint appointment to The University of Texas School of Public Health. She is also a Fellow in the Society for Applied Anthropology. She received her doctorate at the UT School of Public Health, her MS from Texas Woman's University and a BSN from St. Olaf College.

She has conducted ethnographic research on lay healers and their constructions of health and healing. She has continued to research and publish in the area of complementary and alternative therapies.Engebretsonalso conducts research in the areas of women's health behaviors and ethnographic studies of patient's accounts of living with various chronic conditions. She has consulted with a number of interdisciplinary researchers on qualitative methodologies as well as complementary therapies.

Engebretsonhas given many guest lectures on culture, complementary therapies as well as woman's health, all areas in which she is well published. She has developed graduate courses on qualitative research and has collaborated on developing several interdisciplinary course offerings on complementary and integrated health care.

She is a CNS in maternal child health and is certified as an advanced holistic nurse.Engebretson与Lynna Littleton博士共同编辑了有关产妇,新生儿和妇女健康护理和产妇护理的教科书。她已经开发和研究了,并与戴安娜·沃德尔(Dibeplay苹果手机能用吗ane Wardell)博士一起为低生体重婴儿的奶嘴申请了奶嘴。现在,这个奶嘴在国内和国际上销售。她是乔治敦大学医学中心临床生物伦理学中心的受邀客座学者。

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