

作者:约翰·克拉克Bilane B.B.A





人与人之间的互动人机交互(HCI)和(HHI)是基本安全的,有效的和有效的卫生保健交付的六个关键目的是提高医疗质量医学研究所提出的具有里程碑意义的报告弥合鸿沟质量(医学研究所,2000)。虽然这非常有影响力的报告推动大规模的研究努力提高医疗质量,尚未完全实现。beplay苹果手机能用吗设计良好、快速、可靠的临床信息系统仍然可能产生负面情绪的工人(Sittig,克劳尔,Kaalaas-Sittig &灰,2005)。负面情绪和态度之间的卫生保健交付团队的成员是常见的。我们建议医护人员消极是加剧了沮丧与计算机系统交互,降低认知能力。人类和社会背景的BMI,人生物医学数据的最终用户。数据、信息和知识本身(Kulikowski et al ., 2012)是有限的能力提高医疗质量。为了进一步提高,我们必须考虑用户的心理状态。干预用人正念(即。故意做出判断,当下意识)已经证明疗效在治疗身体疾病和心理障碍,以及减压,提高社会认知(戴维森et al ., 2003; Grossman, Niemann, Schmidt, & Walach, 2004; Kabat-Zinn, 2003). Research into interpersonal cognition suggests that people rely heavily on the ability to intuit or infer thoughts, feelings, desires, and intentions of other people, but that this mindreading ability is unreliable and varies widely between individuals(Apperly, 2010; Ickes & Aronson, 2003). We propose that mindreading is connected to mindfulness through a set of neural executive functions (Siegel, 2007), and that mindfulness can improve mindreading by cultivating attuned communication, i.e., a sense of being heard and understood by an interaction partner—human or computerized. Mindfulness interventions could be integrated into clinical information systems, from computer based mindfulness training, to an occasional reminder to take a deep breath and relax, to complex feedback systems that intuit mental states of users and invoke compensatory mindfulness-enhancing content. In this paper we report on the results of a literature review of mindfulness and mindreading, discuss the connection between attuned communication and mindreading, and present an informatics perspective, along with applications, and topics for future research.
