$3 million grant awarded to determine genetic relationships to heart failure in minorities

Bing Yu,博士,JLH休斯顿公共卫生学院的JLH基金会预防移植基金会主席。(图片由休斯顿uthealth摄)
Bing Yu,博士,JLH休斯顿公共卫生学院的JLH基金会预防移植基金会主席。(图片由休斯顿uthealth摄)

A $3 million grant to determine how genes affect a person’s risk for heart failure has been awarded to Bing Yu, PhD, The JLH Foundation Chair in Transplant Prevention at UTHealth Houston School of Public Health.

该项目与马里兰州的Vasan Ramachandran共同领导,这是德克萨斯大学公共卫生学院圣安东尼奥大学的就职院长,该学院是圣安东尼奥UT健康和得克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥分校的合作伙伴。


Heart disease remains the leading cause of death in men and women in the U.S., and more than 6.5 million Americans experience the chronic and progressive condition. Statistics have shown that those of Black or African American descent have a higher likelihood of heart failure.

Heart failure, an umbrella term referring to several common heart conditions, is associated with a 50% mortality rate within five years. The condition is often an outcome of other health risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes, organ failure, and obesity. While these risk factors are proven contributors to heart failure, Yu’s research will identify the genetic architecture of heart failure patients to see which genes may have contributed to their condition(s).


“总是最好的预防而不是治疗。通过基因筛查,我们可以看到某人是否有心力衰竭的风险,并且更努力地监测,连续筛查和预防干预措施。” Yu说。



“Our study leverages whole genome sequencing data from the Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) program, an initiative sponsored by NHLBI, providing an unprecedented opportunity to comprehensively assess genetic susceptibility of heart failure, specifically in understudied populations,” said Yu, associate professor in the Department of Epidemiology, Human Genetics, and Environmental Sciences at UTHealth School of Public Health.




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