
校友亮点:Cheryl Camin Murray,JD


公共卫生校友学校Cheryl Camin Murray,JD担任达拉斯律师协会主席(照片提供:Camin Murray)
公共卫生校友学校Cheryl Camin Murray,JD担任达拉斯律师协会主席(照片提供:Camin Murray)

The Dallas Bar Association (DBA), a 150-year-old professional, voluntary organization comprised of more than 11,500 lawyers in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, will host the inauguration of its 114th President on February 11, 2023. Leading the Association will beCheryl Camin Murray,1999年的Uthealth Houston公共卫生学院的校友,以及Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP的合作伙伴,其实践侧重于医疗保健法规,合规性和交易法律问题。

“我很荣幸能担任这一职务,并有机会与达拉斯法律界的利益与如此才华横溢的领导人合作。有一位享有声望的律师名单,曾担任达拉斯律师协会主席。今年是达拉斯律师协会成立150周年,在庆祝其成就150年的成就中发挥作用是一种荣幸。” Camin Murray说。

卡明·默里(Camin Murray)在DBA董事会任职多年,并且在各种DBA委员会和部门任职。她是DBA公共论坛委员会的联合创始人,以及达拉斯年轻律师协会(Dayl)自由协会,除了担任Dayl秘书,财务主管和董事外。卡明·默里(Camin Murray)毕业于休斯顿大学法律中心(University of Houston Law Center),获得了德克萨斯州A&M大学的本科学位,以及她在休斯顿公共卫生学院的卫生服务组织公共卫生硕士学位。

"I believe I am a better lawyer and my career is more fulfilling due to my service as the Dallas Bar Association President. The Dallas Bar President has a wonderful platform for developing programs and projects that help the professional and personal lives of lawyers as well as their overall well-being," said Camin Murray.


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