


社区科学家计划允许研究人员从代表不同人群的受过训练的社区成员那里获得有关其项目beplay苹果手机能用吗的文化适当性和相关性的反馈。的一部分Community Engagement Componentof the UTHealth Houston Center for Clinical & Translational Sciences (CCTS) - MD Anderson Cancer Center, the program offers in-person and virtual sessions with Community Scientists from Houston, Northeast Texas, and the Rio Grande Valley. Researchers can use the program free of charge and participating Community Scientists are compensated for their time.

“社区科学家计划始于2018年,是一种将少数群体和有色人种带入研究过程的方式,” MD Anderson计划协调员MPH说。beplay苹果手机能用吗“我们首先是从与我们有现有关系的非裔美国人教会社区招募,我们已经扩展到了一些通常不会获得大量研究参与的地区的多样化人群。”beplay苹果手机能用吗

Participating researchers present their work to a group of Community Scientists who then provide tailored, project-specific feedback, rather than the sort of general feedback that might be collected in a focus group. Researchers from all disciplines are encouraged to utilize the service at any point in the research process, from brainstorming grant applications all the way to implementation, analysis, or dissemination.

“Public patient involvement is a big buzzword that gets a lot of lip service, but this program really maximizes the full potential of community involvement,” said Jack Banks, PhD, who utilized the program to aid in the development of a decision-support tool. “We got a lot of really stellar feedback from the Community Scientist group that we used to enhance our tool. Without that feedback, the tool would not be anywhere near as strong as it is now.”

While the program originally utilized in-person feedback sessions, the COVID-19 pandemic necessitated a move to virtual sessions. The program now hosts up to 4 feedback sessions a month via Zoom, conducted in either English or Spanish, giving researchers the opportunity to engage Community Scientists from any or all of the participating regions.

Larkin L. Strong,博士学位,MPH,社区科学家计划负责人Larkin L. Strong说:“重要的是要包括一个项目的观点。”“获取社区的意见并将其包括在研究过程中可以帮助提高所进行的研究质量。beplay苹果手机能用吗同时,对于研究人员来说,有很多障碍,他们想包括这些尚未建立这些关系的观点。beplay苹果手机能用吗社区科学家计划为这些研究人员提供了一种有效的方式,以获得社区和患者的反馈。”beplay苹果手机能用吗

The racially diverse pool of Community Scientists consists largely of community stakeholders with lived experiences of cancer or chronic disease. Community scientists join the program for a variety of reasons: some want to learn more about the research process, some want to support community-based research, and others want to serve as a voice for their communities.

“One size does not fit all and every community has its unique idiosyncrasies,” said Keith Downey, Community Scientist and President of the Kashmere Gardens Super Neighborhood Council. “We’re helping researchers understand the needs of the community and helping the community become better informed. We’re closing a gap between knowledge and trust, bringing everyone together to work towards a common goal. It goes to show that it doesn’t matter your race, creed, or color, we can work together towards a healthier city, a healthier state, and a healthier country.”

UT研究员的程序是可用的beplay苹果手机能用吗Health Houston, MD Anderson, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, the University of Texas at Tyler Health Science Center, Rice University, Texas Tech University Health Science Center El Paso, and the Memorial Hermann Hospital System, as well as community organizations.

社区科学家计划是通过与休斯顿Uthealth的联合赠款资助的,并得到了临床和转化科学中心的支持,该中心由国家卫生临床与转化奖(UL1 TR003167)资助,该奖项(UL1 TR003167)由国家推进翻译科学中心。本文中的内容仅是作者的责任,并不一定代表国家推进转化科学或国家卫生研究院的官方观点。

To participate in this program, contact Sophia Russell atcommunityScientistProgram@mdanderson.org.

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