

Kymberle Landrum Sterling博士问答公共卫生领域的黑人代表。

“Black history month is not just in February, but should be celebrated 365 days, throughout the whole year,” says Kymberle Landrum Sterling, DrPH, associate professor of health promotion and behavioral sciences, as she reflects on a radio personality’s forever-lasting impressionable quotes. “It’s not just one month, but my entire existence. I’m here because there were others who fought and advocated to allow Black people to be here. Black History Month is to recognize those individuals.”


How has race impacted your academic career, both as a student and as a faculty member?





Initially, it was a little daunting to walk into a room with peers or academic colleagues, and be the only one or one of few who looked like me. I had to learn to shift my mindset and recognize my presence as an opportunity to share a different experience. I could learn about different perspectives from my colleagues, and they could learn from mine. As a result of this, I feel an obligation to be the most authentic version of myself that I can be, so when people see me, they see me as a Black woman, recognize my perspective and everything that it represents.




有很多人启发我,但是我最大的灵感是我的妈妈和祖母。我妈妈21岁那年就有我,并在祖母的支持下抚养了我的兄弟和我作为单亲。他们和其他人在我的生活中是强大的女性影响力,他们的挣扎和成就给了我希望。他们的经历提醒我,我可以继续前进,可以不完美,而且我不必成为一个超级女性。来自这种充满信心并以自己的目的感走动的强大女性线 - 我知道,如果她们能做到这一点,我也可以做到这一点。这是我希望向女儿传授的重要教训。



与工作有关,对我来说,一个重要的动机是确保我介绍我最真实的自我,希望它能鼓励他人。我的目的很大。我相信我们都在这里弄清楚我们的目的是什么。对我来说,我爱孩子。我真的很想涌入像我这样的年轻女孩的生活 - 训练他们并指导他们。我想确保他们知道那里还有很多机会,以至于他们可能看不到社区。我希望他们能看到我,并知道这是他们的选择。


“我希望SPH认识到为医学和公共卫生做出贡献的黑人历史人物。尤其是亨利埃塔(Henrietta),玛丽莲·休斯(Marilyn Hughes)博士和查尔斯·德鲁(Charles Drew)。”

Henrietta Laves(1920-1951)unknowingly had cells of her cervix removed, and later, those cells were used to develop the HeLa cell line, leading to biomedical breakthroughs including gene mapping, developing the polio vaccine, and a better understanding of HIV/AIDS.

玛丽莲·休斯·加斯顿(Marilyn Hughes Gaston),医学博士(1939年至今)她的职业生涯努力改善穷人和少数族裔家庭的医疗访问。她最引人注目的是她对镰状细胞疾病的贡献,确定了早期发现和干预的重要性。在NIH(1986)期间,她还发表了一项工作,导致了国会立法支持的筛查计划,以测试新生儿,以立即治疗镰状细胞疾病。

查尔斯·理查德·德鲁(Charles Richard Drew),医学博士(1904-1950)被称为“血库之父”,是一位外科医生和医学研究员,研究了血液相关的所有事物 - 血液,输血和血库。beplay苹果手机能用吗他开发了一种方法来保存第二次世界大战期间使用的输血血浆。他是美国第一批红十字会血库的主任,并为献血的种族隔离做出了贡献。

“These, and many more, are the unsung heroes of public health. I hope we can all learn and take inspiration from them. Specifically, how their service and practice contributed to public health."


It’s important that the people at the table [those involved in public health work] be representative of different walks of life and perspectives. It is important that black researchers, educators, and public health practitioners are participating, so that the communities we serve have a voice. No voice should be left unheard. And if every group can have some sort of representation, then we can ensure that we’re addressing the important challenges and problems that each group faces.

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