


$5 million NIH grant awarded to reduce COVID-19-related disparities in vulnerable populations

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$5 million NIH grant awarded to reduce COVID-19-related disparities in vulnerable populations


这项研究由美国国立卫生研究院通过临床和转化科学中心(CCTS)从美国国立卫生研究院提供500万美元的资助,将重点关注具有高感染率的州的三个地区 - 南德克萨斯州,休斯顿/休斯顿/哈里斯县和德克萨斯州东北部。学习伙伴包括德克萨斯大学里奥格兰德大学(UTRGV)和泰勒大学健康科学中心(UTHSCT)。

“寻找测试差异背后的原因是减少脆弱人群中这些差异的第一步。”David McPherson,医学博士,与CCT相关研究的首席研究员以及Uthealth McGovern医学院内科部门beplay苹果手机能用吗主席。“通过快速识别那些与19岁的人,我们可以减少传播,这对于挽救受病毒影响最大的人的生命至关重要。”

这项研究是德克萨斯州唯一通过的一项。Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics (RADx)倡议。作为倡议的一部分,RADX服务不足的人群(RADX-UP)项目将支持研究,旨在更好beplay苹果手机能用吗understand COVID-19 testing patterns among underserved and vulnerable populations; strengthen the data on disparities in infection rates, disease progression, and outcomes; and develop strategies to reduce the disparities in COVID-19 testing.

Uthealthis one of 32 institutions across the country that received an NIH award through the RADx-UP program to support projects designed to rapidly implement COVID-19 testing strategies in populations disproportionately affected by the pandemic. These groups include African Americans, American Indians/Alaskan Natives, Latinos/Latinas, Native Hawaiians, older adults, pregnant women, and those who are homeless or incarcerated.

NIH主任弗朗西斯·S·柯林斯(Francis S. Collins)博士说:“至关重要的是,所有美国人都可以获得Covid-19的快速,准确的诊断,尤其是服务不足和脆弱的人群,他们首当其冲。”“ RADX-UP计划将帮助我们更好地理解和减轻对最脆弱者的测试障碍,并减轻这种疾病的负担。”

The study will seek to understand why vulnerable populations, such as those with medical comorbidities and people experiencing homelessness, have significant disparities in coronavirus infection and mortality rates. Underserved populations such as Blacks, Hispanics, those who live in rural areas, and underinsured individuals, have higher rates of comorbid conditions including diabetes, obesity, asthma, and hypertension, which places them at risk for severe disease. In Texas, Hispanics make up 29.4% of the population, but 40.1% of COVID-19 cases, and 47.9% of confirmed fatalities, according to the Texas Department of State Health Services.

“长期目标是减少与199号相关的差距,并改善服务不足的人群的健康和生活质量。”玛丽亚·费尔南德斯(Maria E. Fernandez),该研究的首席主管研究员和Uthealth公共卫生学院的公共卫生和医学杰出教授,博士学位。“该研究最酷的组成部分之一是社区参与文章,我们将与受影响最大的社区中的人们会面,并将干预所需的教育和策略列为优先级。”

The study has three overall aims:

  • Identify priority areas based on disease hotspots, access to testing, and prevalence of chronic conditions.
  • Identify and examine relationships among the various organizations in these priority areas that are providing services.
  • 使用前两个目的的数据来优先考虑干预活动,调整和实施增加测试的材料,方法和策略。





“The integration of these aims and how they influence each other is unique and exemplifies how public health can be practiced. We work to understand the issue and then intervene in a way that uses data to make best decisions,” saidBelinda Reininger,Drph,布朗斯维尔Uthealth公共卫生学院教授兼区域院长。“由于健康差异,我们工作的领域很高。拟议的研究将测试策略,以改善农村,边界和城市内部人口的测试。”


The work will bring together researchers and community partners for a truly collaborative approach. Co-lead investigators for the study are Fernandez; Reininger, who is in the Department of Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences; andMarcia C. Otto, PhD, assistant professor in the Department of Epidemiology, Human Genetics, and Environmental Sciences at UTHealth School of Public Health.

UTRGV的首席研究员是John M. Thomas III博士,科学学院生物学系助理教授;对于Uthsct来说,保罗·麦加哈(Paul McGaha),DO,MPH,社区卫生学院社区卫生部主席兼副教授。涉及合作伙伴机构的beplay苹果手机能用吗许多研究人员,以确保使用多学科的方法来解决这一复杂问题。

“This study will have great significance for the underserved populations in Northeast Texas,” McGaha said. “Many do not have access to COVID-19 diagnostic testing and services. As the only health science center in the area, we want to assist our regional communities in responding to the coronavirus pandemic.”

休斯顿参加研究的社区和医疗保健组织包括UT医生, Avenue 360, Healthcare for the Homeless, HOPE Clinic, and Spring Branch Community Health Center. Community partners include the City of Houston, 2-2-1 Texas/United Way of Greater Houston, Harris County Public Health, Greater Houston Partnership, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Department of Health Disparities, Cameron County Public Health, City of Brownsville, Northeast Texas Public Health District, Pro-Salud, Texas Association of Health Centers, and Baker Ripley. Laboratories includeUthealth病理学和贝勒医学院。
