Suja Rajan,博士

Suja Rajan,博士


Suja S. Rajan博士是健康经济学家和计量经济学家,目前是UT Health公共卫生学院的副教授。Dr. Rajan’s research interests include women’s health, stroke and cancer health outcomes research, determining the effect of socio-economic determinants of health, identification and resolution of racial-ethnic, socio-economic and gender disparities, evaluating programs that address these disparities, and conducting cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit evaluations to establish the business case for medical interventions. She has been part of various comparative effectiveness studies including randomized control trials and observational studies. She has extensive training and research experience in statistical modeling, economic evaluations, econometric analysis, sample survey methods, Monte Carlo simulation and Markov modeling. She also has considerable experience working with large healthcare claims, registry, electronic medical records and survey data, and has significant programming experience. She has published in journals such as New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA, Journal of Clinical Oncology, JAMA Neurology, Journal of Thoracic Oncology, Cancer, Value in Health, Medical Care, and Stroke. She teaches graduate-level Advanced Health Economics, Economic Evaluation, Econometrics, and Advanced Health Services Research.


2001年:科学学士 - B. S.(专业 - 临床/心脏科学),Birla技术与科学研究所 - 印度位置



