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Microbiology and Infectious Diseases

欢迎来到MD Anderson Uthealth Houston休斯顿生物医学科学研究生院微生物学和传染病研究生课程。我们在世界上最大的生物医学中心得克萨斯医学中心的位置提供了一个很好的研究环境。beplay苹果手机能用吗

MID Home

Program Requirements

In addition to thegeneral GSBS course requirements, the MID Program requires the following courses

  • GS07 1741Literature Survey in Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
  • GS07 1751微生物学和分子遗传学研讨会系列
  • GS07 1092微生物学和传染病的主题
  • GS07 1015Microbial Genetics and Physiology


  • GS04 1051Fluorescence and Electron Microscopy: Imaging Cells and Molecules
  • GS07 1011Bioterrorism and Emerging Infectious Diseases: Preparedness and Responses
  • GS07 1731Seminar in Infectious Diseases

Program course requirements for MS students

Course Descriptions

  • Bioterrorism and Emerging Infectious Diseases: Preparedness and Response
    Course Detail

    GS07 1011(1个学分)

    Koehler, Theresa. One semester hour. Fall, odd-numbered years.Grading System: Pass or Fail.Prerequisite: None.

    The broad impact of bioterrorism and emerging infectious diseases on scientific research and public health, and the role of scientists in preparedness and response will be addressed in a series of seminar presentations. Speakers with expertise in diverse areas, including public health response, select agent biology, diagnosis and disease management, and public policy, will present talks followed by group discussion. Audit not allowed, but unregistered students who wish to attend only talks of their choice are welcome.

  • Fluorescence and Electron Microscopy: Imaging Cells and Molecules
    Course Detail

    GS04 1051 (1 credits)

    Hu, Bo; Margolin, Bill. One semester hour. Spring, annually.Grading System: Pass or Fail.Prerequisite: General knowledge of microbiology and biochemistry and consent of instructor (approval code needed for registration).

    Fluorescence and electron microscopes permit the examination of cellular features at high magnification. This laboratory-based course is designed to provide the theory, fundamental operating principles, specimen preparation techniques of fluorescence microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and cryo-electron microscopy. At the end of the course, students with no prior experience will be able to prepare specimens, operate the instruments, and collect and interpret data. In addition, students will also learn how to write part of manuscripts. While this course is intended for students in the Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Program, other GSBS students are encouraged to enroll as these advanced microscopic techniques are broadly used.

  • Literature Survey in Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
    Course Detail

    GS07 1741 (1 credits)
    春天and Fall

    Garsin, Danielle. One semester hour. Fall and Spring, annually.Grading System: Pass or Fail.Prerequisite: none.This is a所有中级课程学生都需要课程除了最终论文/论文写作学期的那些。

    学生will present and critically evaluate recent journal articles. The specific articles are to be chosen by the presenter from the literature in the fields of microbiology and molecular genetics. Students will be evaluated on their presentation and participation in discussions.

  • Microbial Genetics and Physiology
    Course Detail

    GS07 1015 (5 credits)

    Konovalova, Anna. Five-hour semester. Spring, annually.评分系统:字母等级。Prerequisites: GS21 1017: Foundations of Biomedical Research or Permission of Instructor.

    The objective of this course is to provide our second-semester, first-year students with a broad knowledge of prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbial biology. Topics covered include genetics, gene expression, signal transduction, and stress responses, cell biology, pathogenesis, host responses, and antimicrobial therapy. The course is divided into 15 one-week units composed of at least two faculty-led lectures and two roundtable discussions of the primary literature. Letter grades are based on participation (25%), writing exercises focused on the papers discussed in class (50%), and a weekly problem set (25%).

  • 微生物学和分子遗传学研讨会系列
    Course Detail

    GS07 1751(1个学分)
    春天and Fall

    Koehler, Theresa. One semester hour. Fall and Spring, annually.Grading System: Pass or Fail.Prerequisite: none. This is a所有中级课程学生都需要课程除了最终论文/论文写作学期的那些。Attendance of at least 75% of the seminars is required for a passing grade.

    学生will attend the weekly departmental seminars series in the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics.

    While the preference is that students attend seminar live, due to the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, students and other participants will have the opportunity to participate remotely via WebEx.如果学生想远程参加,学生必须通知两者Theresa.M.Koehler@uth.tmc.eduandCarolyn.A.AgurciaParker@uth.tmc.edu在会议开始之前。

    Since students are given credit based on participation and attendance, remote students will be asked to demonstrate their engagement by one of these actions:

    1。Asking a question.Remote students will be given the opportunity to ask a question of the speaker. Students who do so will be noted and given credit for remote attendance.

    2。Handing in a short write-up.文章应包括以下内容:a)一两个句子中研究研究目的的描述。beplay苹果手机能用吗ANDB) A description of any concerns about the research OR an idea for future experiments related to the work. The write-up should be submitted to bothTheresa.M.Koehler@uth.tmc.eduandCarolyn.A.AgurciaParker@uth.tmc.eduto receive attendance credit.

  • Seminar in Infectious Diseases
    Course Detail

    GS07 1731 (1 credits)

    弗洛雷斯,安东尼。一个学期。秋天,甚至数年。Grading System: Pass or Fail.Prerequisite: coursework or work experience in microbiology

    一个小组讨论课程,研究了传染病的生物学和临床基础。Students will attend and analyze infectious disease grand rounds presentations, tour a clinical microbiology laboratory, participate in group discussions with infectious disease physicians, and critically analyze clinically-related articles in the general areas of microbial pathogenesis, host-parasite interactions, diagnosis, therapy and预防。

  • 微生物学和传染病的主题
    Course Detail

    GS07 1092(2 credits)



    This course fulfills the GSBS Scientific Writing requirement.

Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Candidacy Exam

Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (MID) Program students take an on-topic exam and the format follows the GSBSon-topic formatexcept for the following features:


The student submits a 1-page thesis proposal abstract and a proposed Examination Committee to the chair of their Advisory Committee.At least three members of the Examining Committee must be MID Program faculty and at least one member must be outside the Program, and the committee will be chaired by a MID Program faculty member. The Advisory Committee chair obtains approval of the Advisory Committee and informs the student and the Examination Committee. The student should be certain that all members of the proposed Examination Committee are available to participate in the exam at the expected time.

Step 2) Petition to Academic Standards Committee

学生提交摘要,考试n Committee roster (signed by all Examination Committee members) and Petition to Advance to Candidacy (signed by all Advisory Committee members) to the Program Director for approval.It is then forwarded to the Academic Standards Committee (ASC) of the GSBS for approval at their next scheduled meeting (deadline is 12:00 noon on the first Wednesday of each month). This should be done immediately after obtaining signatures to ensure that ASC has time to review the application.

步骤3)Consultation with Chair of the Examination Committee

The examination clock starts upon notification of the ASC’s approval.在获得此批准后,学生立即与考试委员会主席会面,讨论要检查的三个领域,并设定在6-7周内举行考试的时间表。考试委员会主席批准了与考试委员会协商的广度领域。示例广度区域包括:微生物发病机理,膜生物学,转录,代谢调节,生物能学,信号转导,蛋白质 - 蛋白质相互作用。鉴于我们的教职员工和学生的多样性,只要它们是合理的和笼统的,就会在这三个领域中给出大纬度。理想情况下,广度区域将与委员会成员的专业知识相匹配。

Step 4) Submission of the Proposal

The 7-page proposal (see below) is submitted to the chair of the Examination Committee after three weeks.The Examination Committee briefly reviews the proposal and decides whether it is adequate to proceed. If judged below the minimum quality required to proceed, the student has three weeks to revise it for a second, and final, attempt.

Step 5) The written component of the exam

If the proposal is acceptable, the Exam Committee Chair will provide the student with three questions within three days.准备通过考试委员会的问题nd will cover the student’s chosen areas of breadth. The student has two weeks after receiving the three questions to prepare an up to five-page answer to one of the questions (single spaced, excluding references). The student turns in the answer to each member of the Examination Committee.The student must research the literature and prepare the answer entirely independently, without consultation with others.The student is also responsible for a general understanding of the other two questions, to be questioned on during the oral exam. An example question might be: "A fundamental question in bacterial chemotaxis is the mechanism of transmembrane signaling, i.e., how chemoeffector binding in the periplasm modulates the activity of the cytoplasmic histidine-kinase. Review current models for this process and propose an experimental strategy to distinguish them. Identify possible outcomes and pitfalls in your experimental design."




学生有责任向检查委员会的每个成员提交研究赠款建议的形式。beplay苹果手机能用吗对于中级课程学生,研究建议应“在主题上”,即,关于学生计划beplay苹果手机能用吗追求的实际论文主题。与GSB的一般政策有关教师指导的政策不同,中级课程学生可能不会收到其顾问或检查委员会成员的反馈。但是,他们可能会寻求同龄人和其他教师的提议的反馈。该提案的格式遵循NRSA F31奖学金申请中的研究部分,如下:beplay苹果手机能用吗

  • 1 page for Specific Aims
  • 6 additional pages for research strategy (including Significance, Innovation and Approach)
  • These page limits do not include the Bibliography
  • Other components of the F31 are not needed
  • 补充笔记
    • Margins should be 1/2" on all four sides and font size should be Arial 11 point
    • Smaller type may be used for figures, however, they must be clear and legible when printed at the normal size