
The Department of Anesthesiology at the McGovern Medical School, UTHealth offers 3 Acute Pain Services and two dedicated regional anesthesia service “Block Teams”. UTHealth performs over 2,000 regional and acute pain procedures per month.

UTHealth Acute Pain Services at Memorial Hermann Texas Medical Center (TMC) and the UTHealth Block Team are lead by Dr. Nadia Hernandez, an internationally renowned regional and acute pain physician. Dr. Hernandez incorporates regional anesthesia into every enhanced recovery program at Memorial Hermann Hospital and serves on Memorial Hospital System Committees to apply these practices into the other 16 Memorial Hermann Hospitals. In addition to perioperative pain management, several protocols for acute inpatient pain have been developed including acute pancreatitis, headache, rib fracture and preoperative traumatic pain. Ultrasound guided interventions for refractory ventricular tachycardia are offered at our Heart and Vascular Institute.

儿童纪念赫尔曼医院的Uthealth儿科急性疼痛服务 - TMC由Sarah Tariq博士和国际知名的Maria Matuszczak博士运营,并提供小儿区域麻醉的专业知识。

The pediatric pain service at Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital comprises of a select few pediatric anesthesiologists passionate about pediatric pain management. The pain team is committed to preventing and alleviating pain and suffering in children of all ages utilizing the most advanced, evidence based and safest treatment options with the goal of improving children’s quality of life and reducing pain related disability.

Our comprehensive and robust pain service provides pain management 24/7 for inpatients. We utilize numerous regional blocks and multimodal analgesia to minimize opioid use. Adopting a multidisciplinary approach, we have developed protocols for pain management for spine fusions, pectus repairs, dorsal rhizotomy, osteotomies and major abdominal surgeries. Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital has a 118-bed level IV neonatal intensive care unit, and our pain team physicians are adept in providing pain management to our smallest and premature neonates employing regional and neuraxial techniques as well as pharmacologic management.


The UTHealth acute pain service at Harris Health System’s Lyndon B. Johnson Hospital is led by Dr. Sara Guzman-Reyes who has been chief of this busy service for 15 years and serves as Assistant Program Director for the residency program.

纪念馆赫尔曼门诊手术中心(ASC)的Uthealth Block团队由该中心的医疗总监和UT健康区域和急性疼痛研究金培训。在ASC,我们为来自世界各地的职业运动员提供区域和急性疼痛服务并进行研究。beplay苹果手机能用吗


区域麻醉的居民教育是由Uthealth区域和急性止痛研究员Xuan Langridge博士指导的。每个月,四个居民专门分配到区域麻醉;两人在纪念赫尔曼– TMC,一名在休斯顿卫理公会医院,哈里斯卫生系统的林登·B·约翰逊医院的两人。此外,在纪念Hermann-TMC上,两名居民被分配到Uthealth急性疼痛服务。居民急性疼痛教育由介入的疼痛研究金培训专家Michelle GE博士指导。

我纪念Hermann-TMC最大的水平trauma centers in the nation, and the busiest as of 2012. Our trainees are exposed to a variety of procedures in complex trauma patients. All enhanced recovery programs include regional anesthesia making the rotation one of the most intense training months. Residents generally exceed their peripheral nerve block and neuraxial anesthetic graduation requirements in their first week on the service, with most residents graduating with two to four times the ABA requirements. The division is highly involved in clinical research so trainees are exposed to all types of ultrasound guided peripheral nerve blocks as well as placement of indwelling catheters for postoperative pain management, for both inpatient and outpatient surgeries.

UTHealth的区域和急性疼痛团队由来自全国各地的几个奖学金培训的教师组成,包括西奈山医院,匹兹堡大学医学中心,爱荷华大学特殊外科医院,爱荷华大学和Uthealth。一位受过良好训练的教职员工负责专用的“街区室”,并为居民和研究员提供监督。另一位敬业的教职员工在纪念赫尔曼医院(Hermann Hospital)的Uthealth急性疼痛服务(TMC)监督,该医院几乎管理所有围手术期患者,并提供留置硬膜外和周围性导管管理以及镇痛药物管理。该服务非常重视使用麻醉剂,多模式围手术期急性疼痛管理优化患者的结局。居民有机会通过优化复杂的药物,发起利多卡因和氯胺酮输注,以及在急性疼痛药物旋转期间放置超声引导的周围神经阻滞和导管,来启动和管理医学复杂和阿片类药物耐受患者。受训者发现,由于其创新技术,该部门提供了许多研究机会。beplay苹果手机能用吗

Fellowship Training

Uthealth是竞争激烈的区域和急性疼痛研究金的所在地,融合了Care Point的超声教育。它是德克萨斯州最大的区域和急性疼痛研究金。奖学金总监是全国知名的地区和急性痛苦专家Johanna de Haan博士。研究员学习急性和持续性术后疼痛的100多种超声引导性区域麻醉干预措施,以及经胸心脏超声超声和诊断护理点的证书。可以提供基本的经食道认证。每年提供1-4个奖学金点。Uthealth Fellows毕业,成为区域和急性疼痛的领导者。


Our team offers a yearly Basic Focus Assessed Transthoracic Echocardiography Course. Fore more details please clickhere

提供了一项教师阴影计划,社区中的麻醉学家能够在Uthealth进行阴影和观察我们的实践。请联系Marshandra Cooper了解更多信息。

Nadia-Hernandez Nadia Hernandez, MD
Division Chief, Regional Anesthesiology & Acute Pain Medicine Division
Johanna Blair de Haan,医学博士 Johanna de Haan, MD
Michelle GE Michelle GE,医学博士
萨拉·古兹曼·里耶(Sara Guzman-Reyes),医学博士 萨拉·古兹曼·里耶(Sara Guzman-Reyes),医学博士
Xuan Langridge,医学博士 Xuan Langridge,医学博士
Maria Matuszczak, MD Maria Matuszczak, MD
Professor, Department of Anesthesiology
Daniel Shoham Daniel Shoham, MD
莎拉·塔里克(Sarah Tariq) 莎拉·塔里克(Sarah Tariq), MD