Statistical Support, Research Assistance, and Resources

Xue Zhang, PhD

Xue Zhang, PhD

Xue Zhang, PhD,is our designated biostatistician for clinical research. Dr. Zhang is an associate professor in the Division of Clinical and Translational Sciences in the Department of Internal Medicine at McGovern Medical School, UTHealth. She is an experienced biostatistician with more than 40 published peer-review articles. Dr. Zhang will provide insightful statistical analysis advice to clinical research projects, including:

        • Sample size calculation
        • Statistical analysis planning for research studies
        • Analysis for scientific publication

Kelli Wallen, MPH

Kelli Wallen, MPH

Kelli Wallen, MPH,is our administrative manager for research, and an experienced medical writer and editor of various types of scientific communications. She will provide editing assistance for grant applications and major manuscript writing.