Children with developmental disabilities more likely to develop asthma

A young girl uses an inhaler to treat asthma. (Photo by Getty Images.)
New research has revealed asthma prevalence is significantly higher in children with disabilities compared to their typically developing peers. (Photo by Getty Images.)

Children with developmental disabilities or delay are more at risk of developing asthma, according to a new study published inJAMA网络开放由休斯顿大学健康科学中心(UTHealthbeplay苹果手机能用吗)的公共卫生研究人员领导Beplay体育中心Center for Pediatric Population Health.

使用2016 - 2017年的数据全国儿童健康调查,该小组检查了71,811名儿童0至18岁的家庭。对于调查,询问父母是否有哮喘的诊断以及一种或多种发育障碍,包括行为障碍,运动障碍,注意力缺陷多动障碍,视力,视力障碍,听力障碍,言语障碍,认知障碍或未指定的发展延迟。

The researchers discovered asthma prevalence was significantly higher in children with disabilities compared to their typically developing peers. Children with hearing loss had the greatest likelihood of having asthma, followed by those with cerebral palsy, and children with a learning disability. The study team also noted that ethnic minority children had higher odds of dual asthma/disability diagnoses compared to their non-Hispanic white peers.

“This research has shown that it’s not just clinicians or pediatricians that should be aware that children with disabilities and delays may also have other health problems. It’s also schools, after-school programs, and other communitywide programs,” saidSarah Messiah, PhD, MPH, the study’s senior author and professor of epidemiology, human genetics, and environmental sciences at UTHealth School of Public Health in Dallas. “It’s equally important to understand these children may not always be able to communicate their discomfort, especially when it comes to asthma.”

Messiah is director of the Center for Pediatric Population Health, a research collaboration between UTHealth School of Public Health and儿童健康. First author of the article is Luyu Xie, PharmD, of the School of Public Health and the Center for Pediatric Population Health.

In theU.S.,由于这种情况,超过600万儿童被诊断出患有哮喘,近一半错过了学校。失踪的学校与学习差的不良表现有关,这通常被视为学习障碍的标志。这项研究beplay苹果手机能用吗表明,通过共同出现的诊断,适当地满足学生的教育需求以及适当的疾病管理的作用及其与学术成就的联系的挑战。

“Both asthma and disabilities in children are important determinants of school absenteeism, with the subsequent risk of educational delays. Asthma, when detected early and managed early, can lessen the impact it has on quality of life and missed school days,” said乔治·德尔克罗斯(George Delclos),医学博士,MPH,公共卫生学院流行病学,人类遗传学和环境科学教授。

While current pediatric guidelines do not list a disability or delay as a risk factor for asthma, the study team suggests their findings could lead to more discussion of challenges children with asthma and a disability diagnosis face, and help to bridge the gap between their health care needs and increasing their quality of life.

“These results support advising pediatricians to screen for asthma in children with disabilities, so that interventions can be started sooner. This screening is particularly important to conduct in ethnic minorities with disabilities, given their even greater risk,” said Delclos, Marcus M. Key, M.D. – Shell Occupational and Environmental Health Endowed Chair.

Co-authors include Andrew Gelfand, MD, chief of Respiratory Medicine in the Department of Pediatrics at Children’s Health and UT Southwestern Medical Center; Folefac D. Atem, PhD, assistant professor at UTHealth School of Public Health in Dallas; and Harold W. Kohl III, PhD, professor of epidemiology and kinesiology at UTHealth School of Public Health in Austin.

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