

By Caliann Ferguson, Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery

COVID-19 Pandemic light shining

一年多自从共同19-19大流行彻底改变了现实,为每个人带来了无数的新挑战和变化,所以教职员工和教职员工心胸和血管手术系reflected on the positives they have unveiled during the challenging times.

“When I reflect on the pandemic, I am reminded of what an honor it is to be a healthcare provider. The opportunity to rise up and care for others, despite all circumstances, is an honor and a privilege.” –Emily Murphy, APRN, AG-ACNP – BC,,,,Nurse Practitioner

“For the first time in my career, when I tell people I am an epidemiologist, they know what that is. This year has given me a chance to dust off and apply tools I haven’t thought about since graduate school – concepts like curve-flattening, infection reproduction number (Rt), test positivity rate, herd immunity, etc. I’ve been able to lead teams of fantastic colleagues in rapid design and prioritization of studies to help get treatments and vaccines into clinical trials and to develop an infrastructure for delivering experimental therapies as part of the care process in a real-time healthcare setting. Lastly, it has given me a renewed appreciation for the skills and goodwill of my colleagues, and our collective ability to rise to meet a crisis when called upon.” –Charles C. Miller III, PhD,,,,beplay苹果手机能用吗

COVID-19 lessons
灌注者布兰登·梅萨拉(Brandon Messarra)和他的妻子在整个隔离区中养育了14只狗。全年都采用了所有这些

“With many people working from home, pet rescue groups have seen a surge in people willing to foster pets during the pandemic. Working with Rescued Pets Movement, my wife and I have saved 14 dogs in 2020. These dogs all needed a short term (less than 2 weeks) foster home before being transported to Colorado to find their forever home.” –布兰登·梅萨拉(Brandon Messarra),灌注

“我很幸运不要遇到这种病毒,我已经完全接种了疫苗。”-艾丽莎·布朗(Alisha Brown),,,,医务人员协调员

“回顾过去,我很幸运我的家人保持健康,我们没有任何重大疾病。我也很感激我的小孩子能够与爸爸呆在一起,尽管这已经提出了自己的挑战,但我们也共同努力解决了这一点,并在我们在一起度过的所有时间里都留下了很多新的回忆。最后,远程医疗的引入已经改变了游戏规则。我们可以看到患者没有冒险,他们可以避免承受压力的旅行/停车费。我希望他们即使在库维德之后也能继续下去。”- 匿名的

我的丈夫找到了一份工作在华盛顿特区,和family and I were all set to move in March/April 2020. We put our house on the market and I sadly started to interview for jobs in DC area. Due to the pandemic, our move was placed on hold, and they allowed my husband to work from home. Since he successfully worked remotely for a whole year now, our family doesn’t have to leave! Small blessings.” –Lisa DeGarmo, APRN, ACNP-BC,,,,Nurse Practitioner

“我意识到会议可以通过视频聊天平台更有效地完成;我感谢新政府在帮助Covid-19更有效地与Covid-19的战斗;我意识到远程医疗将留在这里,我们需要继续拥抱它。最重要的是,这种大流行帮助我们意识到人类的联系和人类互动对于我们的日常精神和精神健康至关重要。”-Kourosh Keyhani,做血管外科医生

“今年教会我保持灿烂的光芒,即使是昏暗的,让您的光芒闪耀,养活有需要的人,帮助作业,闪耀。”-英格丽·哈里斯(Ingrid Harris), 行政助理

Integrated vascular surgery resident Sam Leonard and his wife, Chloe, with their new quarantine puppy, Tuna

“我和我的妻子得到了一只隔离的小狗!一个叫金枪鱼的金道德尔!”-萨姆·伦纳德(Sam Leonard),医学博士综合血管外科居民

“We have more unity as a team, and everyone has stepped up to make sure we always have good coverage. Also, we discovered the beauty of telemedicine and virtual meetings” –胡安·阿布鲁(Juan Abreu),医学博士,,,,Cardiothoracic Surgeon

“由于大多数餐馆都关闭了,我开始在家里为自己做更多的饭菜。这不仅提高了我的烹饪技巧,而且对我来说意味着更健康的饮食;我打算继续做的事情。”-Haider Al Rustem,,,,Research

“对我来说,我能够花更多的时间与家人和孩子们在一起。我对真正重要的事情有更多的欣赏:健康,和平,快乐和幸福。我经常和几乎从远处看到我的朋友。我不必旅行太多,并且能够更多地专注于我的研究” -beplay苹果手机能用吗Gustavo Oderich, MD,血管和血管内外科医生

“过去一年中最好的事情之一一直与我的家人建立联系。在大流行之前,由于时间表的繁忙,我们每天分开九个小时。现在,随着我的孩子进行虚拟学习,我能够远程工作,我们可以花更多的时间在一起。”-丽贝卡·布莱克, 行政助理

“对我来说,最值得注意的是我在办公室里一年在家工作。与他共度时光,看着他在短时间内成长和发展,真是太神奇了。他是一个可怕的实习生……但是我珍惜与他的时间。”-克里斯·阿克斯(Chris Akers),马萨诸塞州,,,,Medical Illustrator

COVID-19 lessons
医疗助理,桑德拉·埃尔南德斯(Sandra Hernandez)(右)和她已故的妹妹

“我在2020年初失去了姐姐(不相关)。我很感激我能够在她去世之前和之后旅行之前和之后旅行受到限制和挑战。大流行已提醒人们欣赏生活中较小的事物。我感谢我的家人和朋友。我很遗憾的是,姐姐去世后,由于旅行限制,我仍然无法拜访父母,尽管我很肯定我们很快就会恢复正常。”-Sandra Hernandez,,,,Medical Assistant

“I’ve developed a more positive outlook on life, and am appreciative of the days I am granted to be here on this earth. A lot of people were affected by the pandemic and grace allows me to remain in good health and of sound mind and strong spirit. I also found many hobbies that I enjoy and was able to turn those hobbies into a business!” –Randi Carter,高级患者进入

“我的长途跑步步伐有所改善!”-Emanuel Ramos Tenorio,,,,Research

“Telemedicine is more accepted now. Also, most have learned video meeting platforms; I was able to get together with my family in Japan.” –Akiko Tanaka,医学博士,综合血管外科居民

“我很幸运能在家工作,这意味着与我的狗玛姬(Maggie)在一起,这对我们俩来说都是胜利!我还能够种植我的房屋植物收藏,并阅读更多。”-Caliann Ferguson, MHA, 营销

“由于大流行,美国医疗许可证之一被暂停,并要求申请人参加英国和澳大利亚众所周知的英语考试。我通过了它,但是我找不到在美国的立场。最终,我在悉尼担任医生的职位。”-Yuki Ikeno, MD,beplay苹果手机能用吗

“在Covid-19大流行期间发生的最好的事情是发现我怀孕了!我和我丈夫很兴奋。”-帕特里夏·巴特勒,,,,Ultrasound Technician

“I had time to study for my STEPS, write articles, start a medical Twitter account, and learn about the best of aortic, cardiac, and vascular surgery. I was also able to focus on my residency application essays.” –Alejandro Umana Pisano, MD,,,,Research
