麦戈文students return to in-person learning at McGovern Medical School

麦戈文students return to in-person learning

By Roman Petrowski, Office of Communications

Class of 2025 Orientation - In-person Learning

Members of the McGovern Medical School Class of 2025 return to campus for orientation July 26. (Photo by Dwight Andrews/Office of Communications)



“我们期待欢迎学生安全地回到校园里,但我们将其中一些从大流行中学到的教训。”Latanya Love,医学博士, dean of education广告临时。“We are going back to in-person learning, but we have learned that with some things a hybrid model may work even better.”

A major change to the curriculum a year ago was a complete move to online learning and exam taking. In 2021, students will return to the classroom in person, but with the option to remain attending class virtually if they choose.

“Even before the pandemic with classes held in person, students have always had the opportunity to stream them from home,” Love said. “We think that a lot of students who like virtual learning will be glad that this will continue to be an option.”

When the virus began during the 2020 spring semester, third-year medical students experienced a revised schedule which saw a two-month delay to the beginning of their clerkships after ensuring proper safety measures were in place to allow a safe training environment. In 2021, MS3s were able to begin clerkships on schedule.

Student experience will also take a major step in the direction of a return to normal with a return to in-person events and traditions, beginning with the亨利·斯特罗贝尔撤退。务虚会是一年级医学生的机会,可以在周末度假中与同学和教职员工见面,前往德克萨斯州纳瓦索塔的艾伦营地。

The 2021 version of the Retreat will feature a treat for second-year medical students who will get their own version of the retreat after missing out on the tradition a year ago.

“We’re excited that we’re able to do a retreat for first- and second-years,” Love said. “We won’t be having all of the things that we historically do, and it will just be a one-day retreat (for each class), but we look forward to hosting this tradition for our students.”


爱说:“安全始终是我们所做的一切都非常重要的考虑因素。”“我们将保持最新状态疾病预防控制中心guidelines and the recommendations of our infectious disease specialists. We know that at any time there is a possibility that we may have to pivot if things were to get worse, but we are ready to do that now if we have to.”
