耐力的考验 - 吉尔的胜利圈作为麦戈文医学院休斯顿马拉松医疗总监

耐力测试 - 吉尔作为休斯顿马拉松医疗总监的胜利圈

急诊医学系Joshua Moffett

Houston Marathon

左至右:Joshua Fan博士,Carolyn Gardiner博士,Hutch Stilgenbauer博士,Joseph Gill博士,Heather Robinson博士,Katherine Luu博士,Brad Egbers博士

1月16日,星期日,休斯顿的街道被得克萨斯州各地的跑步者淹没了2022 Chevron Houston Marathon

As participants weathered the frigid morning for the 26.2-mile trek, the急诊医学系prepared for their own test of endurance. Assistant professor of Emergency Medicine,约瑟夫·吉尔(Joseph P. Gill),医学博士,担任马拉松比赛的职责为副医学主任。

“This year brought us a great opportunity to transition from last year’s virtual event back to an in-person race for the 50Th休斯顿马拉松周年纪念日,”吉尔说。

当哈里斯县提高了红色的Covid-19威胁水平时,吉尔与Lars Thestup,医学博士, medical director of the Houston Marathon Committee to address public safety protocols and streamlined processes for the mass attendance.

“显然,马拉松比赛是一场户外活动,我们知道Covid在户外的传播非常低,因此我们在这方面很幸运。我们认为,根据我们在马拉松比赛之前所看到的情况,Covid-19威胁水平将进入红色。我们已经与医院签到,以确保他们在可能发生运输的情况下具有能力,并在比赛前少量涌入患者。” Thestup说。“我们每天都与休斯顿市,市长办公室,我们的赞助商,卫生部门和卫生部门密切联系,以简化我们的安全程序。”

Gill and Thestrup along with multiple UT physicians and staff oversaw the field hospital inside the George R. Brown Convention Center. COVID-19 countermeasures included spacing out vendors and adding a corral at the marathon starting line to promote social distancing. Indoor vendors were limited to a small number, while post-race services were reconfigured to encourage movement through the conference area. Face coverings were provided for runners pre and post-marathon, and the usage of gloves and N95 masks were enforced at indoor venues, field aid, clinical areas, and refueling stations. To limit potential exposure of runners that ate after the marathon, theRunFest庆祝区以社会距离的桌子移动到外面。乔治·布朗会议中心还包括一个急诊室,其中包括医生,护士,按摩治疗师和足病医生自愿从当地医院志愿服务,并在临床上工作时使用了相同水平的PPE。

“Dr. Lars Thestrup and I worked diligently to ensure the well-being of all runners and staff. The yearlong planning and numerous precautions allowed a safe race for over 18,500 runners. Marathon medical staff treated hundreds of runners throughout the race, preventing any increase in strain on our local healthcare systems. I am extremely proud of our volunteers who continued to make this race one of the best despite challenging times,” Gill said.

“在担任比赛副总监的第一年,乔真的将其击倒了公园,我们都为他所做的工作感到非常自豪,”院前和灾难医学局长说。凯文·舒尔茨(Kevin Schulz),MD, FAEMS, FACEP“Dr. Gill and Dr. Thestrup did a phenomenal job, along with a number of Department of Emergency Medicine faculty, fellows, and residents who participated. Emergency Medicine providers are a great fit for event and race medicine, and volunteers from our department took on leadership roles, provided compassionate care to the many athletes they encountered, and represented McGovern and the Department of Emergency Medicine extremely well.”

Through concentrated efforts, more than 18,500 runners successfully competed, 200 patients were treated and only six runners were transported to local hospitals for injuries. Additional Emergency Medicine faculty, staff, residents, and EMS fellows that volunteered include医学博士卡罗琳·加德纳(Carolyn Gardiner), 助理教授;约书亚粉丝,医学博士, 居民;惠特尼·钱德勒(Whitney Chandler),做, 居民;Miles Maassen, DO, 居民;Hutch Stilgenbauer,医学博士, EMS fello;Katherine Luu, MD,EMS研究员;医学博士希瑟·罗宾逊, EMS Fellowship associate program director;凯文·舒尔茨(Kevin Schulz),MDEMS奖学金项目总监;布拉德·埃格伯斯(Brad Egbers),医学博士, resident alumnus; andAl Lulla, MD, 助理教授。
