beplay苹果手机能用吗研究人员研究特殊MRI方案如何帮助治疗脑出血患者at McGovern Medical School


凯蒂·巴克利(Caitie Barkley)公共事务办公室

Dr. Muhammed Haque MRI Study
Muhammad Haque, PhD

A study designed to determine how magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be used to help clinicians treat patients with brain hemorrhages is underway at McGovern Medical School at休斯顿乌西卫生.

The trial, led byMuhammad Haque, PhD,助理教授神经病学and the UTHealth Institute for Stroke and Cerebrovascular Disease, is investigating a special MRI protocol to help understand which patients might be at risk for hematoma expansion and determining when patients might be safely placed back on anti-thrombotic medications such as aspirin. Hematoma expansion is a pool of clotted blood that can occur after a blood vessel breaks.

The current standard of care is a computed tomography (CT) scan, a noninvasive X-ray used to detect any bleeding. Both the CT and MRI scans are capable of locating and detecting hematoma expansion, but Haque believes a slight modification to existing MRI protocols can differentiate between clotted (or coagulated) versus nonclotted (or noncoagulated) blood within the hematoma.


脑内出血 - 一种脑组织内部出现的脑出血 - 约占所有中风的10%至15%,与高死亡率有关。这最常见的是高血压的结果,这可能导致薄壁的动脉将血液带到大脑深处破裂的区域,从而将血液释放到脑组织中。随着血液溢出并向大脑施加压力,它被剥夺了氧气和血液供应。脑细胞死亡,导致的炎症反应会损害血肿周围区域中更多的细胞。

There is a 30%-40% mortality rate for intracerebral hemorrhage, Haque said, with 73% of patients experiencing some degree of hematoma growth, and with about one-third of them exhibiting hematoma expansion – a 33% growth of hematoma volume within 24 hours of intracerebral hemorrhage.

“With this MRI sequence, we hope to see within the hematoma what percentage of the blood is already clotted and what percentage is in the liquid form,” Haque said. “We will determine if patients with mostly clotted blood are less likely to see their blood expand.”

这项研究自10月以来一直在纪念赫尔曼 - 特克萨斯医疗中心进行,由孤星中风联盟资助,这是德克萨斯州领先的医学研究机构之间的合作,以改善受中风和脑血管疾病影响的德克萨斯人的健康。beplay苹果手机能用吗

除其他外,该财团由研究共同评估者领导詹姆斯·格罗塔(James Grotta),医学博士, director of stroke research with the Clinical Institute for Research and Innovation at Memorial Hermann-TMC and neurologist with the Memorial Hermann Medical Group, andSean Savitz, MD,教授和麦戈文医学院神经病学主席Frank M. Yatsu。Jaroslaw Aronowski,医学博士,博士,麦戈文医学院(McGovern Medical School)的神经病学教授和罗伊·M(Roy M.)和菲利斯·高夫(Phyllis Gough Huffington)主席也是研究研究员。

Grotta founded the stroke program at UTHealth Houston in 1979. Today, Savitz directs the UTHealth Stroke Institute, and Aronowski is a member of the institute. Savitz and Aronowski are also faculty members with The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences.
