TMC社区收集学生游行在乌克兰和平游行at McGovern Medical School


公共事务办公室米歇尔·雷(Michelle Ray)


学生聚集在得克萨斯州医疗中心,以支持促进俄罗斯与乌克兰之间的和平。(德怀特·安德鲁斯(Dwight Andrews)/通讯办公室的照片)


3月22日,超过30UTHealth Houstonstudents and TMC community members gathered to march in support of promoting peace between Russia and Ukraine.

Dong Ho Shin, student at MD Anderson Cancer Center UTHealth Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and vice president of the school’s International Student Association (ISA), was the first to propose the idea of the peaceful march.


In attendance of the march was alsoJovanka Gencel-Augusto,现任医学博士Anderson Uthealth研究生院的博士生和ISA校长。

“我不是乌克兰人或俄罗斯人,而是作为国际学生,我可以与远离您的家庭和文化的感觉有关。您不在那里帮助他们走这么远;这场战争是一个非常复杂的情况,” Gencel-Augusto说。

“Not only does this affect our international students’ mental health, academic performance and work, but also their financial well-being. Any of us could be in this type of situation, and the goal of the march is to communicate that we are in solidarity with our Ukrainian and Russian peers, that we advocate for peace and the preservation of human lives, and to help those who are fleeing the country and looking for other opportunities.”

Those who participated in the March for Humanity demonstrated their wish for peace in Ukraine.

“One of the things that I love about our students is that historically they have shown their support and spoken out about both national and international events that affect our community,” saidLaTanya Love, MD, executive vice president of Student Affairs and Diversity at UTHealth Houston anddean of educationad interimat McGovern Medical School.

