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What is a Foraminotomy?

A foraminotomy is a surgery that relieves pressure on spinal nerves compressed by the intervertebral foramina. Disorders that can cause nerve root compression includespinal stenosis,degenerative disc disease, a椎间盘突出,骨马刺和spondylosis.

Symptoms of cervical nerve root compression are numbness or tingling in the shoulders, arms, and hands. Lumbar compression symptoms may radiate into the low back, buttocks, legs, and feet. Many of these symptoms can be improved through medication and physical therapy. For patients who fail to improve using conservative methods, foraminotomy may be an option.

What You Can Expect at UTHealth Neurosciences


Our multidisciplinary teams of specialists share insights, leading to better treatment decisions and outcomes. We first investigate nonsurgical treatment options, including medical management,pain management,物理疗法,康复和注意等待。当需要手术时,我们的神经外科医生通常采用创新的微创技术。在整个治疗过程中,我们将与医生紧密合作,该医生向您推荐您,以确保顺利过渡到您的常规护理。当您与我们在一起时,您将获得专家护理,出色的沟通和真正的同情心。


The spine is divided into the following regions:

  • The cervical region (vertebrae C1-C7) encompasses the first seven vertebrae under the skull. Their main function is to support the weight of the head, which averages 10 pounds. The cervical vertebrae are more mobile than other areas, with the atlas and axis vertebra facilitating a wide range of motion in the neck. Openings in these vertebrae allow arteries to carry blood to the brain and permit the spinal cord to pass through. They are the thinnest and most delicate vertebrae.
  • 胸部区域(椎骨T1-T12)由上胸部的12个小骨头组成。胸椎是唯一支撑肋骨的椎骨。姿势不良,关节炎和骨质疏松症的肌肉紧张是该地区疼痛的常见来源。
  • 腰部区域(椎骨L1-L5)具有更大的椎骨,以吸收举重和携带重物的压力。腰部区域的伤害会导致臀部,腿部和膀胱控制的功能损失。
  • s骨区域(椎骨S1-S5)在脊柱底部包括一个大骨。ac骨是三角形的,由五个保护骨盆器官的熔融骨头组成。

Reasons for a Foraminotomy


Degenerative arthritis of the spine is one of the most common reasons that a foraminotomy is performed. Congenital problems or skeletal disease could also necessitate the procedure.

What to expect during surgery and recovery

You may need an MRI or other imaging before the procedure. Prior to surgery, smokers will be urged to quit. Patients might be encouraged to eat a diet high in protein prior to surgery to aid with healing.

一个foraminotomy扩大脊髓的通道root leaves the spinal cord. The surgeon makes a minimally invasive incision in the back, peeling away the muscle to reveal the bone underneath, and cuts a small hole into the vertebra itself. The surgeon visualizes the foramen and removes impinging bone or disc material.




At UTHealth Neurosciences, we offer patients access to specialized neurological care at clinics across the greater Houston area. To ask us a question, schedule an appointment, or learn more about us, please call (713) 486-8100, or click below to send us a message. In the event of an emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest Emergency Room.
