

ACLS/BLS (valid through 3/2019)


Internal Medicine, 2010-2011 Baylor College of Medicine, Houston TX
放射学2011 - 2015年,德克萨斯州休斯敦贝勒医学院


**Faculty profiles will only highlight current information (the last three years). Please see the faculty’s CV for more information.

  1. MR在分化与未渗透附录的诊断性能:与DRS的回顾性研究。Surabhi,Shiralkar和Thupili。IRB:HSC-MS-16-1120。积极的。
  2. 特定MRI序列和磁铁在诊断儿童急性应用炎的诊断性能:一项与DRS的回顾性研究。Kramer,Shiralkar和Boyce。IRB:HSC-MS-17-0637。积极的。
  3. 肺栓塞和临床结局中右心劳止的放射学迹象之间的相关性。DRS的回顾性研究。Eisenberg,Ocazionez和Shiralkar。IRB HSC-MS-17-0938。积极的。


Publication Information

**Faculty profiles will only highlight current information (the last three years). Please see the faculty’s CV for more information.



  1. Solomon N,chua s, Cai C, and Hasapes JP. Differences in image quality and peak injection pressures using standard versus fenestrated IV catheter in routine contrast enhanced CT abdomen/pelvis exams. ACR, May 2017. Washington DC.
  2. Bernardi K, Cherla D, Blair K,chua s, et al., Use of computed tomography in diagnosing inguinal hernias: A blinded, prospective, multispecialty evaluation. Society of Asian Academic Surgeons 2nd年会,2017年9月。伯明翰,阿拉巴马州。
  3. Fabrega M, Boyce W,chua s,Cai C等,评估和改进了第一年的居民呼叫过渡,利用基于案例的新兵训练营通过PACS模拟通过免费DICOM观看者进行了评估。ACR,2017年10月。马萨诸塞州波士顿。公认。
  4. Cherla DV, Blair KJ,chua ss, Hasapes JP, et al., How important is accurate physical exam data? A double blind randomized controlled trial of radiologic interpretation of ventral hernias. American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress, Oct 2017. San Diego, CA.
  5. Chua SS,Xu K,Matta EM和Chandrasekhar C.创新Tirads V2017 - 结构模板报告的创新和新颖的指南。ARRS,2018年4月。华盛顿特区。*(Neurorad subspeialty Award - 2018年董事会选秀权,CME)。
  6. UCSIK-KESER FE,Bonfante-Mejia EE,Ocazionez-Trujillo D,Chua SS. Report of a case with odontogenic deep neck space and mediastinal infection and review of the pertinent anatomy. MD Anderson Cancer and imaging intervention conference. April 2018. Houston, Texas.
  7. Chua SS, Thampy R, Thupili C, George V, Jordan R, Surabhi VR. Optimizing pancreatic ductal evaluation by secretin assisted magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography. RSNA 2018 (Accepted for electronic poster, lunch hour CME).

Refereed Original Articles in Journals


  1. Cherla D., Blair KJ, Matta EJ, Shiralkar KG, Surabhi VR, Chua SS, Kao LS, Ko TC, Hasapes JP and Liang MK. How important is accurate physical exam data? A double-blind randomized controlled trial of radiologic interpretation of ventral hernias. J Am Coll Surg., 2017;225(4):S84.
  2. Holihan,J.L.,Cherla D.,Blair K.我们进步了吗?定性改进计划。J. Surg Res。,2018; 224:97-101。PMID:29506858。

Invited Reviews


  1. Surabhi V. R.,Thupili C.,Chua,s。,,Dhingra, S., Prasad S. R. Radiologic-pathologic correlation of hepatocellular adenoma: 2018 update (Accepted, App Radiol).


  1. Chua,S。S。,,Alder, J. D., Harris, J. D., Palisch A. R., Bray C. D., and Noble, P. C. Imaging of cartilage patho-anatomy. Diagnosis and surgical treatment of hip disease: A worldwide perspective on approaches and outcomes. McCarthy, Villar & Noble Edn. 2017; Chapter 21, pp 221-30.
  2. Alder, J. D.,Chua,S。S。,,Bray C. D., Harris, J. D., Palisch, A. R., and Noble, P. C. Research into the application of imaging to the diagnosis of hip disease. Diagnosis and surgical treatment of hip disease: A worldwide perspective on approaches and outcomes. McCarthy, Villar & Noble Edn. 2017; Chapter 102, pp 941-49.
  3. Chua,S。S.马特,E。J., Shiralkar, K. G., Thupili C. Incidental thyroid lesions. Incidental findings in neuroimaging and their management: A guide for neurosurgery, neurology and radiology. Westmark, Riascos Edn. (Accepted; tentative title).
  4. Chua,S。S.,Thupili,C.,Shiralkar,K。G.,Matta,E。J.偶然肾囊肿。神经影像及其管理中的偶然发现:神经外科,神经病学和放射学指南。Westmark,Riascos Edn。(接受;暂定标题)。
  5. Chua,S。S.,Thupili,C.,Matta,J.M.,Shiralkar,K。G.偶然肾脏质量。神经影像及其管理中的偶然发现:神经外科,神经病学和放射学指南。Westmark,Riascos Edn。(接受;暂定标题)。
  6. Thupili, C.,Chua,S。S.,Shiralkar,K。G.,Matta,E。J.偶然肾上腺病变。神经影像及其管理中的偶然发现:神经外科,神经病学和放射学指南。Westmark,Riascos Edn。(接受;暂定标题)。
  7. Matta,E。J.,Chua,S。S., Shiralkar, K. G., Thupili, C. Incidental aneurysms. Incidental findings in neuroimaging and their management: A guide for neurosurgery, neurology and radiology. Westmark, Riascos Edn. (Accepted; tentative title).
  8. Shiralkar,K。G.,Thupili,C.,Chua,S。S.马特,E。J. Incidental retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy. Incidental findings in neuroimaging and their management: A guide for neurosurgery, neurology and radiology. Westmark, Riascos Edn. (Accepted; tentative title).
  9. Shiralkar,K。G.,Thupili,C.,Chua,S.S。马特,E。J. Incidental pelvic lesions. Incidental findings in neuroimaging and their management: A guide for neurosurgery, neurology and radiology. Westmark, Riascos Edn. (Accepted; tentative title).


  1. Chua S. s。,,Jupalli S., Surabhi V. R., George, V. Pancreaticobiliary maljunction with gallbladder cancer. Case in Point. ACR. Accepted. Published on Dec 4, 2017. (CME)https://cortex.acr.org/CiP/Pages/CaseView?CaseId=X8Ee4DrhCKg%3d&Preview=true


  1. Chua S. s。提交给ACR案件(2017年)。(CME)
  2. Chua S. s。,,Johnson RA, Surabhi V. R., Chandrasekhar A. C. Endometriosis. Submitted to ACR case in point (2017). (CME)
  3. Chua S.S., Shiralkar K., Surabhi V.R. Gangrenous cholecsytitis. Submitted to ACR case in point (2017). (CME)


**Faculty profiles will only highlight current information (the last three years). Please see the faculty’s CV for more information.

2018 Neurorad Sect Chair’s Pick, Subspec Award, ARRS Washington, D.C.