UTHealth休斯顿的新学术卫生伙伴关系promises greater opportunities for students and public health workers

UTHealth休斯顿的新学术卫生伙伴关系promises greater opportunities for students and public health workers

The UTHealth Houston School of Public Health is excited to announce the formal establishment of an academic health partnership with Dallas County Health and Human Services (DCHHS). The formalized agreement promises enriched educational opportunities for students, a pipeline to employment for graduates, increased professional development for public health workers, and the streamlining of public health research and delivery for Texans. The partnership is one of the first of its kind in the state and is the evolution of a long-standing collaboration.

Academic Health Departments are often described as the public health equivalent of "teaching hospitals" and reduce the separation between the education of public health professionals and the practice of public health. They offer benefits for academic institutions, health agencies, and the public. A list of美国超过100个学术卫生部门is maintained online by the non-profit Public Health Foundation. We are proud to lead the way in adding our partnership with DCHHS to this list.

The agreement outlining this initiative with DCHHS formalizes and expands upon existing collaborations between the school and the county health department. UTHealth Houston has participated in initiatives with the partner agency, including disease prevention and vaccination efforts, health promotion campaigns, environmental and workplace safety initiatives, and research. The partnership expands these collaborations with innovative elements that increase access to expertise, sharing of technology and research, and efficiency across the board including streamlining the educational and occupation opportunities for each partner and their communities.

多年来,Uthealth Houston的学生一直在与DCHH进行实践。通过学术卫生部门的倡议,将开发一条实践性的就业管道,将学生和毕业生与专业机会联系起来,同时保证稳定的熟练,经验丰富的工人为代理机构供应。DCHHS员工将被邀请参加教室,与德克萨斯州的学生分享专业知识和最新的实践经验。我们的合作伙伴还将受益于与教职员工共享研究和增加资金获得的紧密联系和协调。beplay苹果手机能用吗交集的其他领域包括通信和消息传递,数据分析和干预措施,以及有关政策和管理的建议。合作伙伴关系还将促进资源和信息的交换和共享,包括数据,软件或物流,扩大组织的能力并提高其效率。

DCHHS serves a population of over 2.6 million in the second-largest county in Texas. The Academic Health Partnership engages with the School of Public Health and its resources across the state, capitalizing on a network established since its founding in 1967.

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