
学生聚光灯:Quiera Booker的背后,MPH

Student Spotlight: Quiera Booker, MPH
Student Spotlight: Quiera Booker, MPH

Doctoral candidate Quiera Booker, MPH, relocated from Virginia to Texas to begin her graduate studies at UTHealth Houston School of Public Health in Dallas. Booker is currently majoring in epidemiology with a minor in biostatistics, studying cancer prevention and control, and pursuing a data analysis certificate. At the School of Public Health, she currently serves as the Academic Excellence Chair, a teaching assistant, and a graduate research assistant in the Department of Epidemiology, Human Genetics, and Environmental Sciences.


A. I was accepted into three public health programs, but UTHealth Houston was at the top [of my list] for several reasons. First, I resonated with the diverse community in Dallas and was captivated by the school’s reputation in public health and research. With smaller class and cohort sizes, I knew I could obtain a one-on-one mentorship, which is essential for developing a deeper understanding of public health knowledge in the classroom and real-world settings.


答:前教员凯特琳Jetelina博士佤邦s my first faculty advisor at the school, and provided me with exceptional research and educational opportunities. I was able to first-author manuscripts and lead analyses for grant-funded studies under the guidance of Dr. Jetelina.

Sarah Messiah, PhD, was my second mentor and continues to serve a vital role in my doctoral development. I was initially her graduate assistant, aiding in the opening of the Center for Pediatric Population Health, and later became her graduate research assistant. She has a very diverse, multidisciplinary staff that prompts differing perspectives on research, allowing me to obtain these vantages.

我们的达拉斯地点院长Bijal Balasubramanian博士是我目前的教职顾问和导师。Bala博士还担任我工作的首席研究员。她通过挑战我的知识深度并强调研究含义的重要性,帮助我成长为独立研究人员。beplay苹果手机能用吗她鼓励我了解研究问题和结果将如何使目标人群受益,以及这些研究问题如何对文beplay苹果手机能用吗献产生贡献。这种心态改变了我如何看待流行病学及其细微差别的美。



A. Get involved with faculty and research experience as soon as possible because the MPH program is only two years, and it can go fast. Research is a long process; the sooner one begins and solidifies one’s research and academic interests, the better one’s educational and career development can be. With real-world applications of research, there becomes a different level of understanding than in the classroom, and I am very grateful for my opportunities.



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