

罗马·彼得罗夫斯基(Roman Petrowski),传播办公室

威廉博士Dowhan ASBMB研究员
威廉·道汉(William Dowhan),博士

威廉·道汉(William Dowhan),博士,教授和约翰·邓恩(John S. Dunn)在Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology已入选美国生物化学和分子生物学学会(ASBMB)的第一类。

Dowhan joined 30 of his colleagues in the ASBMB as the inaugural fellows for the organization. Fellows are recognized for their meritorious efforts to advance the molecular life sciences through sustained outstanding accomplishments in areas such as scientific research, education, mentorship, commitment to diversity, and service to the society and scientific community.

”Dowhan博士success lies in successfully challenging dogma, use of evolving technology and approaches, and generating new concepts,” said乔治·卡曼(George Carman),博士,道汉的提名人。

ASBMB获得了水晶奖和PIN奖,并在各种公共论坛中得到ASBMB的认可,包括有关ASBMB网站, an announcement in the member email newsletter, inclusion in the ASBMB Today magazine, and an announcement on the ASBMB social medial channels. Fellows will also be recognized and honored at the ASBMB annual meeting.

Regular, industry, and emeritus members of the ASBMB submitted nominations for the inaugural class of fellows. After an immediate and robust response, the 30 candidates were chosen by the Membership Committee from a list of around 100 nominees.

该学会说:“作为美国生物化学和分子生物学学会的选择是我们最杰出的成员的荣誉。”“ 2021年的研究员确实是一群杰出的科学家,他们在持续的一段时间内为我们社会的多次任务做出了贡献,并通过他们的努力和成就丰富了我们的世界。”

在McGovern医学院,Dowhan的实验室研究脂质 - 蛋白质相互作用,发现脂质参与膜蛋白的适当折叠,并且对脂质环境的变化可以改变膜蛋白活性。

Dowhan won the ASBMB’s 2005脂质的Avanti奖,认可出色的研究贡献。beplay苹果手机能用吗他曾在协会会议委员会任职,并为年度会议组织了一场科学研讨会。他是过去的编辑委员会成员生物化学杂志

Dowhan received his PhD from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1969 before completing a postdoctoral fellowship in the Harvard Medical School Department of Biological Chemistry in 1972. He joined the faculty at McGovern Medical School in 1972 as an assistant professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, while also serving as a member of the faculty at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center UTHealth Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences.
