申请申请专业教育奖在McGovern Medical School


Professionalism Education Award

The McGovern Medical School Office of Professionalism is accepting applications for its inaugural Faculty Award for Professionalism Education.



  • A nomination letter briefly describing the faculty’s contribution to advance education in professionalism based on criteria/areas such as those listed below;
  • Narrative from the faculty detailing their past and current efforts, as well as plans for future endeavors to advance education in professionalism;
  • Two letters of support from peers, mentors, and/or past or current trainees describing the faculty member’s impact in advancing education in professionalism;
  • CV of the faculty member.

Application packets must be submitted electronically toAlicia Howardalicia.howard@uth.tmc.edu到2021年11月19日。有关问题,请发送电子邮件John Riggs, MD, 在john.w.riggs@uth.tmc.edu, 或者Vineeth John, MD, 在vineeth.p.john@uth.tmc.edu

Examples of professionalism education programs include, but are not limited to:

  • 专业身份形成:通过互动计划,促进学习者对医学的社会契约和专业期望,社会化,榜样和导师,实践,社会正义和种族意识专业精神的理解和承诺。
  • 评估专业精神的教师发展:教师使用造型的实现程序and summative assessment of their learners’ professionalism, moral reasoning, etc. which promotes self-reflection.
  • 组织专业精神:Develop and implement an educational strategy that reframes professionalism issues from an organizational and systems perspective, such as psychological safety/addressing hidden curriculum, defining and implementing professionalism standards, social justice/community engagement, or enhancing the work environment promoting professional growth through improved workflow and reduced clerical burden.
  • Resiliency Building Initiatives:开发和实施一个计划,学习者在该计划中发展技能以在压力大的工作环境中蓬勃发展。尽管压力和冲突可能具有破坏性,并且通常受系统性问题的驱动,但成长和学习通常不舒服,尽管有这些挑战,但有些计划可以帮助学习者蓬勃发展。
  • 评估和补救专业失误:实施一个明确的计划,以评估专业失误,以及如何最好地应对平衡学习者增长需求以及对职业和社会的承诺的失误。
  • 专业教育:制定和实施一项专注于跨专业团队,沟通和协作以改善患者健康的教育计划。
  • 成功失败:制定一项计划,以推动学习者了解失败在专业成长中的作用和开发教练计划,以感知或客观失败的临床结果情绪影响。
