

By Roman Petrowski, Office of Communications

Dr. Nirav Thosani - Gastrointestinal Oncology Paper
Nirav Thosani, MD

beplay苹果手机能用吗实验室的研究Nirav Thosani, MD, associate professor of gastroenterology in theDepartment of Internal Medicineand chief of theUthealth介入胃肠病学中心(iGUT), has been published in the November edition of癌症.


Current diagnosis for gastrointestinal cancers mainly relies on interpretations of radiologists and endoscopists from various images. However, Thosani and other gastroenterologists believe there may be a future for artificial intelligence in diagnosing these cancers in ways that humans cannot.

“The use of AI in endoscopic procedures is a significant breakthrough in modern medicine,” the authors wrote. “Although the diagnostic accuracy of AI systems has markedly increased, it still needs collaboration with physicians. In the near future, AI-assisted systems will become a vital tool for the management of these cancer patients.”

AI, or the intelligence of machines compared to natural human intelligence, is a computer science field which uses machines to replicate various human functions like learning and problem solving. The widespread usage of AI has led to tremendous advances worldwide, including in the medical industry. Using both virtual and physical AI, developments have led to machine and deep learning (virtual) as well as medical devices and robots (physical).

作者说:“ AI被认为是改变医疗保健未来的工具工具,尤其是肿瘤学。”“ AI可以通过准确分析诊断性临床图像,识别治疗靶标和处理大型数据集来筛查,诊断和治疗各种癌症,成为有用的工具。”



According to the authors, most of the data on AI use are not prospective, requiring a need for large, multicenter clinical trials to allow for the system to be evaluated in real-time clinical settings. In order to develop, generalize, and commercialize artificial intelligence for gastrointestinal cancers, more research is needed to narrow those down to one or two accepted methodologies.


The paper titled “Scope of Artificial Intelligence in Gastrointestinal Oncology,”由Hemant Goyal, MD;Syed A. A. Sherazi,医学博士;Rupinder曼, MD;Zainab Gandhi, MD;医学博士Abhilash Perisetti;Muhammed Aziz, MBBS;Saurabh Chandan, MD;Jonathan Kopel;本杰明·塔里安(Benjamin Tharian),医学博士; and医学博士Neil Sharma.
