Milewicz research posted in Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology

据Uthealth Houston的研究人员称,一项新的研究表明,在平滑肌细胞中靶向蛋白质可以阻止并减少临床前模型中动脉粥样硬化斑块的积累。beplay苹果手机能用吗该研究发表在动脉硬化,血栓形成和血管生物学中。动脉粥样硬化是一种常见的状况……

Ibrahim joins as transplant nephrology leader

Richard Andrassy, MD, chair of the Department of Surgery, has announced Hassan Ibrahim, MD, MS as the new leader of transplant nephrology. A recognized national and international leader in kidney transplantation research and clinical service, Ibrahim recently joined McGovern Medical…


The McGovern Medical School Division of Geriatric and Palliative Medicine and the University of Houston College of Pharmacy’s Department of Pharmaceutical Health Outcomes and Policy will co-host the Geriatric Medication Safety Symposium 2022 April 7-8 at the Denton A. Cooley,…

Dyer, Burnett honored for lifelong contributions combatting elder mistreatment

Jason Burnett, PhD, and the late Carmel Bitondo Dyer, MD, were recognized nationally for their contributions to the field of elder mistreatment and Adult Protective Services practice by the National Adult Protective Services Association (NAPSA). Burnett is co-director of the Texas Elder Abuse…


邀请对预防心血管疾病的兴趣的医师,护士,护理人员和其他医疗保健专业人员参加2月5日,星期六,通过Cisco Webex参加第32届年度预防性心脏病学论坛。由弗朗西斯科·富恩特斯(Francisco Fuentes)导演,医学博士,教授


COVID-19 convalescent plasma showed a likely benefit for patients early in the pandemic before remdesivir and corticosteroids were in use, according to results of a landmark study published in JAMA Internal Medicine that included physician-scientists at UTHealth Houston. UTHealth Houston…


beplay苹果手机能用吗,医学博士的研究从实验室Nirav Thosani associate professor of gastroenterology in the Department of Internal Medicine and chief of the Center for Interventional Gastroenterology at UTHealth (iGUT), has been published in the November edition of Cancers. Gastrointestinal cancers…

Research examines impact of social determinants on stroke

一项试验测试是否将在休斯敦的德克萨斯大学健康科学中心(Uthealth Houston)(uthealth Houston)获得310万美元的赠款,来启动多学科的远程医疗干预措施是否有助于改善成人中风幸存者成果的种族差异。




Miguel A. Escobar, MD, professor in the Department of Pediatrics and Internal Medicine, is the winner of Physician of the Year 2021 from the National Hemophilia Foundation. Escobar, who also serves as medical director of the Gulf States Hemophilia and…
