
McGovern Medical School has announced John Riggs, MD, professor in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences, and assistant dean for the Office of Professionalism, as the inaugural recipient of the Patricia and Ian Butler Endowed Professorship in Medical…

Women and Girls in Science Symposium set for Feb. 11

麦戈文医学院女性教师论坛vites all students and employees in the Texas Medical Center to a virtual edition its fourth annual International Day of Women and Girls in Science Symposium Feb. 11 from 4:30-6 p.m. The International…


四名杰出学者,其中包括来自麦戈文医学院的三名学者,他们在教学,研究和临床护理领域表现出色,已获得UTHealth总裁Giuseppe N. Colasurdo,医学博士,Alkek-Williams杰出主席的最高荣誉。beplay苹果手机能用吗接收者…


2月8日,来自麦戈文医学院的六十名学生将参加休斯敦大歌剧院,参加由教职员工和学生组织的特别活动。教职赞助商包括医学博士Patricia Butler,教育计划副院长;Nachum Dafny博士,神经生物学教授…
