
五名Uthealth Houston的教职员工以表彰他们继续工作的捐赠

Drs. Balasubramanian, Highfield, Darkoh, Tortolero Emery, and Markham pictured.



Bijal A. Balasubramanian,MBBS博士,被授予罗克韦尔杰出的社会和健康主席。Balasubramanian担任Uthealth Houston公共卫生学院达拉斯校园的校园院长,这是公共卫生学院内四个女性校园领导人之一。对成功的追求反映了自己以及本捐赠将支持的进步。她说:“这种捐赠将有助于我提高初级保健和实施科学研究能力,以改善我们州和国家的人口健康。”beplay苹果手机能用吗

These endowments support the holder by reaffirming their positions as leaders in academia, their research within the field, and their commitment to community engagement. "I am honored by this recognition and grateful to the Rockwell Fund for its longstanding commitment to improving the health and well-being of our communities," stated Balasubramanian.

人口健康的杰出的主席been awarded to Linda Highfield, PhD, associate professor of Community Health Practice & Epidemiology. She focuses on the integration of systems science, geospatial methods, and interventions to improve healthcare access for underserved populations. This endowment was established in 2022, and Highfield is the first holder of this position.


Charles Darkoh博士,人类遗传学和环境科学流行病学副教授,被授予医学博士R. Palmer Beasley和医学博士Lu-Yu Hwang。比斯利(Beasley)和黄(Hwang)在1987年至2005年与比斯利(Beasley)担任院长,从1987年到2005年。巴斯利(Beasley)在与胰腺癌作斗争后于2012年去世,他在促进全球健康和研究方面的遗产仍然坚定不移。beplay苹果手机能用吗黄仍然居住在公共卫生学院,是流行病学,人类遗传学和环境科学教授。

This title is gifted to support a distinguished faculty member whose interests are in epidemiology, infectious diseases, or global public health. Darkoh is the first holder of this chair, originally established in 2012.

Darkoh说:“ Beasley博士和Hwang博士为传染病研究和全球健康做出了重大贡献,有助于挽救数百万的生命。”beplay苹果手机能用吗“拿着他们名字的捐赠给我挑战,以模仿它们,并继续点燃的火炬。”
These endowments serve not only to recognize our faculty but to aid them in casting an impact on public health. Darkoh's research is directly aligned with his endowment, with his focus on research to "help decrease deaths associated with preventable and treatable infectious diseases, especially in developing countries."

The Guy S. Parcel Chair in Public Health has been granted to Susan Tortolero Emery, PhD. Emery serves as Senior Associate Dean at the School of Public Health, where her research aligns with primary prevention and health promotion in the field of sexual health education. Parcel served as Dean of the UTHealth Houston School of Public Health from 2005 to 2008 and was Emery's mentor.



Christine Markham, PhD, has been awarded the Allan King Professorship in Public Health. This Professorship was first established in 1987 and remains a vital tool to recognize faculty who are outstanding in their field. Markham, who serves as Department Chair for Health Promotion and Behavorial Sciences, embodies leadership and continues to devote herself to research and practice in adolescent health. Emery was the previous recipient of this Professorship, another testament to the cultivation of success for women at the school.

“我很荣幸获得艾伦·金(Allan King)的公共卫生教授。我感谢休斯顿Uthealth的支持和领导,并有机会为我们的机构的任务做出贡献。我期待着继续扩大我们的本地和国家研究和培训工作,以积极影响公共卫生。”她说。beplay苹果手机能用吗



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